Stalked- Zyglavis

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You were terribly frightened. You weren't sure if it was true at first but now you were sure of it. You had a stalker and wherever you went they were there.

Knowing this you hurried to the house of the gods and went straight to Zyglavis's bedroom. You were relieved when you knocked and he answered straight away. You didn't know what you would do if he wasn't available.

You opened up the door and rushed straight to him. "Zyglavis!" You said, sounding afraid.

"What's the matter?" He asked and noticed you were crying, "Is something wrong?" He asked in serious tone and reached to your cheeks to wipe the tears away.

You vigorously nodded and lunged into his chest and buried your face in his clothes, "I'm being followed. Everywhere I go, I-I see him. H-He won't leave me alone." Your voice was muffled by his clothes but he could clearly hear just how frightened you were.

Zyglavis wrapped his arms around you protectively and held you tight, "What a disgusting man. I will see to it personally that he recieves a befitting punishment." Zyglavis said in a harsh tone as he held hatred towards the man who dare try and harm you.

But then his voice noticably softened as he spoke to you, "You will stay with me until it's safe to go home. Don't worry. I will watch over you. You have nothing to fear now."

You pulled away from his clothes and saw the gentle smile on his face and felt more at ease. He made you feel safe.

"Thank you." You finally smiled for him and Zyglavis seemed relieved to see it.

"Good. You are smiling again." He says and strokes your cheek before closing in and kissing you softly, "I love it when you smile for me."

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