Chibi- Zyglavis

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"That damn fish. How did I ever fall for his idiotic prank?!"

"Hey, he got me too."

In a weird turn of events, you and Zyglavis had been shrunk down into pint-sized chibi's of yourselves. All thanks to Ichthys. To make matters worse the two of you had been on a date when it happened. Little did you both know the chocolate you ate together was actually a trick chocolate that would result in you being chibified. You knew you should never have accepted that chocolate from Ichthys...

"Hah. This is all my fault." You sighed, looking glum.

Zyglavis clicked his tongue and grabbed your hand, "We have no time to worry about that now. We need to get back to the mansion." He said with a frown and glanced down at his other hand, "It seems I can't use my powers in this form." His eyebrows twitched. It really was a pain.

"This will be tricky. These humans won't be looking out for pint-sized people." Zyglavis's shoulders slumped as he thought about all the trouble you would have to go through.

"This is scary. I hope no one stands on us..." You started to shake a little, afraid of what may happen.

"Stay close to me." Zyglavis said and strengthened the grip on your hand and the two of you left your hiding place in a quiet alley and made your way onto the busy streets.

"Ahh!" You jumped several times in surprise as you just narrowly miss being stood on. Zyglavis, however, keeps marching on with a serious gaze determined to keep you safe.

But then, "Wahhhh?!" The two of you had suddenly been picked up by a pair of large hands.

"Huh?" You were shocked to see Dui and Ichthys standing there.

Dui had gently picked up and placed you on his hand while Ichthys had taken Zyglavis by the collar and held him in the air.

"It really worked." Ichthys smiled with satisfaction.

Zyglavis, though, was anything but satisfied, "How dare you do this to us! Now put me down!" He protested, his little arms flailing about looking ready to fight with Ichthys and his voice coming out in little squeaks.

"Ahahaha." Ichthys broke out in laughter seeing the chibi Zyglavis struggling so much. It was beyond adorable.

Even you admit it was cute. The way Zyglavis looked indignant to be held by Ichthys in such a manner. He finally gave us resisting and instead folded his arms and glared at Ichthys.

"So cute." You muttered.

"We'll carry you both back to the mansion." Dui said with his kind smile and saved Zyglavis from Ichthys and placed him on his hand next to you.

"That stupid fish. I'll teach him a lesson later." Zyglavis grumbled as he brushed himself off after having his clothes wrinkled by Ichthys. And then sat on Dui's hand still looking annoyed.

"At least we don't have to worry about being stomped on now." You remarked to try and lighten his mood but all you heard was him mumbling something about roasting fish.

Back at the mansion.

"When will this wear off?" Zyglavis asked Ichthys with cold eyes.

But all Ichthys did was shrug, "Beats me. I guess you will just have to make due in the meantime."

"Why you...!" Zyglavis shot daggers at him. But in his tiny form it wasn't the least bit scary. It was quite the opposite.

"Zyglavis, calm down. Getting upset now won't get us anywhere." You placed your hand on his and he seemed to relax at your touch.

He looked at you and sighed, "You will have to remain here until it wears off I'm afraid." And then he rolled his eyes, "And I will fall behind on my punishment work because of this." Zyglavis looked ready to steam again. Ichthys definitely wouldn't be hearing the end of this later.

The two of you were taken to Zyglavis's bedroom but seeing as everything was too big the gods shrunk everything down to chibi size. It was like having a miniature showroom as all the gods found your pint-sized body amusing and enjoyable to watch. Each god taking turns providing miniature meals you could eat.

Thankfully, all the gods took care of your needs and you were well looked after and Zyglavis was lucky he was a god, all he had to do was wait for it to wear off.

But unfortunately for him, the other gods took pleasure in getting him riled up as seeing him get so angry in his tiny body was highly entertaining and each one found a new way of provoking him. Either by poking him or tickling him with a feather. But Zyglavis wouldn't forget their terrible deeds and promised to get them all back when he returned to normal size. What was Zyglavis plotting? Revenge of course. He imagined them all locked up in a tiny cage after they had been chibified and there he would torture them. Zyglavis smiled wickedly just thinking about it.

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