Leon Calming MC After A Nightmare

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"Hngh..." It was the middle of the night. You tossed and turned as your face contorted in pain. Your breathing was labored and there was sweat dripping from your forehead. "Kyaaah!" You suddenly screamed out and realized it was all just a horrible nightmare. You imagined yourself being tragically torn apart from the one you loved, him dying before your very eyes. "It was just a dream..." You brought a hand to your chest, there you could feel your heart beating wildy, as your body trembled. "It felt too real..." You squeezed your eyes shut, in your mind you could see the events replaying over and in an instant your eyes sprung back opened.

"Noo, It's just a dream." You vigorously shook your head and clutched onto your comforter and burried your face in it. The feelings of dread just wouldn't leave you, "Leon...Leon..." You started to chant his name as if you were calling out to him, "I...wish you were here. ...Leon, I need you..." Tears started to spill from your eyes, surrounded by nothing but the darkness of the night, you felt scared and alone.

"Humans really are weak creatures. Heh."

"Huh...?" You thought you must be going crazy when you heard a voice, 'Leon...? Why is his voice in my head?' In the darkness you tried to scan the room, too scared to get out of bed to turn the lights on, but you couldn't see anything. You felt your body grow more tense by the second, fear had taken over, you were too scared to even speak.

"Kyaaaaah!!!" As you sat there on your bed in a panic you suddenly felt someone grab you from behind. "Shhh, it's only me."

"Leon...?" Hearing his voice, you calmed down a little and turned around, "Why did you scare me?" You asked him with a pout and immediately faced away from him again. "Being scared of something so trivial really...hmm?" Leon stopped when he felt you start to tremble in his arms, shocking him. "____?" He whispered your name but you didn't reply. Seeing your state of panic, Leon lost his usual cool self and wrapped his arms around you in a tender embrace, "I'm sorry." He breathed against your ear, his genuine apology and hot breath against your ear made your heart skip a beat. "Why did you come...?" You muttered, turning around to face him.
"You called me. Of course I would come." He replied and your gaze dropped below. Leon reached a hand to your face, and cupping a hand on your cheek, he made you look at him, "I was worried...when I heard your voice. You sounded like you were in trouble." Leon's earnest words moved you, they reflected his true feelings for you. "I...dreamed you died. That you left me." You mumbled, just remembering how you felt during that dream brought tears to your eyes. "Hey." Leon looked at you tenderly, his eyes were filled with kindness, "I'm here now. I promise you I won't ever leave you. Not ever. No matter where I am in this world, I will come running if you need me. I'll always be at your side. Always." A tender smile lit up his lips and he leaned forward placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"Leon..." You were overwhelmed with emotion, you teared up once more but not from your fears but from your overwhelming love for the man before you. "Hey, I thought we stopped with the waterworks." Leon let out a lighthearted sigh and wiped your tears away, "These tears...are so precious to me." Leon muttered, and carefully placed a kiss below your eye where your tears were moments ago, "I'll sleep with you tonight. I won't let anymore nightmares hurt you." Leon reassured you and laid you down on the bed. Wrapping his arms around you protectively, you felt calmed by the sound of his heartbeat and warm scent. "I love you..." You could faintly hear his murmur as your mind drifted off. You soon fell asleep, surrounded by the warmth of the man you love.

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