Maybe I Love You - Aigonorus - Part Four

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Days had gone by since I ran out on Aigonorus. I never saw him again since then. I didn't have the courage to visit the gods because I was worried what would happen if I saw him...

"Ouch." I burnt my finger on the stove. I quickly ran it under the cold water, "This keeps happening." I sighed in frustration. I kept doing more and more careless accidents. There was only one thing on my mind and it seemed to distract me from everything else, "Aigo..." I didn't know it at the time but the more I thought about him the more I realized how much I cared about him. At the back of my mind, It was always him I longed to see.

"I love him... That must be what my heart is telling me." Realizing this all too late hurt more than I thought possible. I couldn't stop thinking how Aigonorus must feel as to him it would seem.I rejected him and knowing that was crushing.

"Why didn't I realize this sooner. ...I...I wouldn't have had to hurt him like I did..." A single tear rolled down my cheek. I was agonized by the thought of what I had done. How could I ever love with myself after breaking his heart?

Finally realizing my feelings but It may be all too late. Aigonorus might not even love me anymore.

I sat down to eat my dinner but all I could taste was salty tears. I couldn't take more than a few bites as I didn't really have much of an appetite. I never realized how lonely it was in my apartment until now.

I want to see Aigonorus... I want to tell him I love him. But I just couldn't find the courage to face him. Would I ever see him again? The thought of leaving things like this was just too sad. If only I could turn back time and realized my feelings sooner but It took him confessing to me to even realize mine.

"...Just how long has he loved me?" Thinking it may have been a long time just made things even worse. All those times he stared at me, smiled at me and laughed with me, did he already see me as someone special to him?

"Argh. This is all so pointless." I grabbed my head and shook it in frustration. It was then I heard a crashing sound from the living room.

"What?" I tensed up, fear started to grow as I slowly went to check the cause of the noise.

I froze in shock as I saw glass sprayed across the living room floor, "An intruder..." My eyes went wide. It seemed someone had broken into my home. I tried my best to stay calm but nothing would quieten my racing heart.

All the lights were off in the apartment besides the one in my bedroom as I was getting ready to sleep. I didn't dare turn on the light lest I alert the thief to my presence.

I tried to sneak back to my room to call the police on my phone but..."Mmmph!" Was suddenly attacked from behind. My mouth was forcibly covered.

"What do we have here?" The voice was that of a man, his low voice vibrated in my ear. "You should have stayed in bed... Now It seems I'll have to kill you. And such a pretty young lady too. How unfortunate." He started to cackle wickedly.

My blood ran cold at his words. If I didn't do something and fast, I would never get the chance to see Aigonorus and tell him I loved him. I couldn't die with him thinking I didn't return his feelings. Thinking this, I calmed myself and cleared my head and then, "Thwack!" I used all my strength to elbow the man in the stomach.


Just as I had hoped he let me go and clutched his stomach. I took this chance to run away.

"You little wench! I'll definitely kill you now!" He sounded very angry.

'Where do I hide?!' I panicked, and seeing as I was cornered in my house as he blocked the only exits, I hid myself in a closet.

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