Maybe I Love You - Aigonorus - Part One

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As the title suggests this is part one of a two part story. It's based off a dream I had and I expanded on it a little. Well more than a little. If enough people express interest in this and want to see the ending I will write part two as well. I hope you all enjoy this part~
The sun had begun to set and the sky was painted in shades of orange. It wouldn't be long before they arrived now. I stopped gazing at the beautiful sunset and eagerly got back to working in the kitchen preparing a feast for the night. I had invited the gods of the heavens over for a meal. I knew they it wasn't required for them to eat but I really wanted to spend some time with them. It felt like just yesterday when I first learnt of their existence. I never would have believed I'd become so close to a god! And several of them at that.

Unfortunately, not all will be able to attend as some had things to do. Still, I was beyond excited to be having them over my place.

Just then, I heard a knocking on the door.

"Ah! They must be here." I stop what I was doing and run to the front door.

"Hello." I said with a smile as I opened the door.

Outside stood seven of the gods. Leon, Aigonorus, Huedhaut, Dui, Ichthys, Zyglavis and Scorpio had all arrived for dinner.

"Hi." Dui and Ichthys greeted me with cheery smiles while Leon was wearing his usual smug grin.

Zyglavis gave me a formal greeting while Scorpio looked as if he was judging my apartment.

'Sheesh. What makes him so special he can judge me? ...Oh right. He's a god.' I quietly sigh.

I look to Aigonorus, he seemed to be spaced out and was avoiding eye contact with me. I wonder what is going through his head.

I led everyone to the dining room where we would be eating dinner. Luckily the table could seat eight people so it was a perfect fit.

"Do you need any help with dinner?" Ichthys asked, smiling happily.

I froze momentarily as i imagined him cooking. 'I like my kitchen...' I looked at Ichthys with a slight twitch as i put on my best smile, "No. I'm good. It should be ready soon." I said and then hurried back to the kitchen.

"And done." Dinner was laid out nicely over the table. I smiled proudly at my finished work.

The gods all sat around the table curiously eyeing what I had cooked.

"I made a lot of different meals to cater to all your tastes. I hope they are acceptable." I said, feeling a little nervous under the gods appraising eyes.

"I see even goldfish like you can make edible food." Leon said, sounding a little condescending but I could tell by his body language he was actually impressed.

"It all looks delicious." Dui said with a smile that warmed my heart.

'Thanks Dui.' I couldn't help but smile myself.

I sat in the only chair left. That chair happened to be right next to Aigonorus. As I sat down I could sense Aigonorus tense up and it left me feeling rather confused. 'Maybe I'm seeing things?' I'm not sure what's gotten into him but he's been acting a little distant all night.

"This has a rather interesting flavor." Huedhaut said, a small smile on his face as he enjoyed his meal.

"It's not bad. I'm not one to eat much human food but I could get use to this." Zyglavis said. I guessed from what he was saying he was trying to tell me he liked my cooking. I couldn't read his expression as there was none so I just took it as a compliment.

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