The Gods Getting MC Back - Leon & Scorpio

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Leon: Seeing you obediently follow the god around that stole you away from him pained his heart. Leon wanted nothing more than to be free of such forms of torture. However, since he was the minister of wishes it kept him bound to his duty and his ultimate fate of being forced to see you with someone that wasn't himself. Leon's mind never was on his work, though, try as he may he just couldn't focus. One day when Leon was feeling particularly low he learned of a rumor that the god forcibly took you away from him. He had used some kind of trickery to make you obey him and do his bidding. Leon wasn't going to take this rumor sitting down and after doing some digging and discovering the truth... Leon became enraged. The god had stolen you away from him out of jealously and his hatred towards Leon. He wanted Leon to suffer. Leon became blind with rage and contempt for the pitiful god. His powers had taken control and began to consume his sense of reason. Leon wanted revenge against the god for comitting such a heinous act. So be it if the god wanted him to suffer, Leon was outraged that he'd use you in doing so. Thankfully, the king of the heavens stepped in before it was too late and quelled the anger in Leon's heart and then banished the god from the heavens. His hold on you was finally broken and learning what had happened you broke down in tears. You were so distraught, however, Leon didn't care about any of that. You were being controlled. All that mattered now was that you came back to him. Leon had never been so relieved to finally hold you in his arms; a feeling he thought he never experience again. Leon would treasure this feeling and the happiness you bring him for the rest of his days. There was no way he would ever let you slip through his fingers again. You were far too precious to lose.

Scorpio: Why? Why did you go? These words echoed again and again in Scorpio's head. Everytime he saw you look at the man the way you once looked at him killed him a little inside. It wasn't as if he was not already empty inside after you suddenly left him but the void in his heart kept growing bigger still. Scorpio didn't even have a reason for living anymore. Somedays he wondered if death would give him the salvation from this miserable life he led. Days would turn into months, everyday felt the same, his life was meaningless without you. If it wasn't for you he never would have experienced love, but it wasn't until you gave him love did he realize how much it would hurt upon losing it. Just when Scorpio couldn't take another day of his heart being crushed seeing you with another man he heard word that you really didn't love the god. Some gods said there was times they would hear you calling out Scorpio's name with a pained expression but then the god did something and your face would lose all emotion. This only served to anger Scorpio. It finally clicked as to why you would just leave him after promising your love to him, and he knew you weren't the kind to break a promise. Scorpio confronted the god and wouldn't leave until he got the truth, even if he had to beat it out of him. Unfortunately, Scorpio had to resort to force. The god tried to stand up to Scorpio but it was useless as Scorpio far out powered him. With the god beaten and bruised and with Scorpio towering over him looking ready to end his life if he didn't speak, the god finally confessed everything. It turned out he had some sort of control over your mind but it would sometimes weaken and you'd vaguely remember Scorpio and call out for him. But the god always kept you close to keep you under his control, all because he loved you and wanted you to be his and couldn't believe you fell in love with a god like Scorpio. Sparing his life, the god gave up on you and you were finally reunited with the man you really loved. The hole in his heart had been filled at last. Scorpio truly felt alive again. The usually rude and tactless god was smiling so kindly to finally see you once again gazing at him with the eyes he holds so dear. He'd longed for you to gaze at him like that again for what seemed like an eternity. Scorpio had found his happiness once more and this time he would never let you go.

Star Crossed Myth FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora