Zyglavis As A Daddy

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Exhausted from being kept on your toes for weeks on end watching your toddler daughter, you decided you needed to have at least one day off and asked your husband, Zyglavis, if he wouldn't mind watching over her for the day. Though busy, Zyglavis understood being a human you would tire easily, and agreed.

Kari had only just recently learnt how to walk and ever since has been up to more mayhem than ever before. Having the blood of a god running through her veins, Kari didn't tire quite so easily and could keep up her troublemaking for hours on end. It was tiresome for one such as yourself, who was unfortunate to only be human.

"Make sure you can an eye on her. You never know when she may just disappear." You give Zyglavis the run down of what to expect and to keep watch of; acting just like a paranoid mother. However, Zyglavis couldn't take the day off work and instead brought all his paperwork home. He planned on doing them as he watched over his daughter, or so he hoped.

Zyglavis nods intently to everything you say before giving you a reassured smile and a quick kiss on the lips, "Everything will be fine. Just get some rest." He replies in a soft tone and motions you to your bed. You watch Zyglavis close the door behind him with worry in your eyes. You couldn't help but imagine the horrors that might await the unexpecting god. You did your best to get some sleep and before long you drifted off.

"Be a good girl for me and stay right there." Zyglavis says to his daughter as he places her on the floor besides him surrounded by some toys. He then goes to sit at his desk and get started on the paperwork.

Zyglavis diligently gets to work and makes sure to keep glancing at Kari to see she was still there. After some time passes and he sees she is still seated besides him playing with her toys he smiles in relief, "This isn't so bad." He smirks, thinking it isn't anything like you were saying; watching over her wouldn't be so bad. However, he soons learn he spoke too soon.

The next time Zyglavis glances over the spot where Kari sat previously is now empty. His eyes widen exponentially and he bolts upright from his chair and quickly scans the room while calling out her name. When he receives no response, Zyglavis, in a fluster, rushes through the house to find her.

"Kari!" Zyglavis exclaims in exasperation when he finds her sitting in front of the pantry cupboard and covered in flour. He quickly pulls the flour away from her and puts it on a higher shelf before turning to look at his flour covered daughter. She was beaming at him, smiling an innocent smile. Even Zyglavis found himself smiling a little as she was adorable with the flour covering her tiny cheeks and button nose.

"What am I to do with you? Hah..." Zyglavis shakes his head with a little sigh and picks her up, which also gets the flour all over himself. He briefly takes her outside to dust her and himself off before taking her back to his desk.

"This time you will stay here, okay?" Zyglavis instructs his daughter but she only giggles back at him, like she doesn't quite understand what he means. This time, for extra precaution, Zyglavis snaps his fingers and creates a tiny barrier around her that he was sure she wouldn't be able to escape from.

Again, it seems to work for some time until Zyglavis goes to check on her only to find her missing. "What?!" Zyglavis gasps in disbelief, he was utterly dumbfounded to see her missing. Once again Zyglavis bolts from his chair and hurries to find her.

This time she was in the bathroom. Zyglavis freezes when he sees that she had gotten into your makeup. Little Kari was now covered in lipstick, eyeliner, blush and other makeup she could find. She was like her own piece of art work.

Zyglavis quickly snatches the remaining makeup away from her and cleans up the room before turning to his now artistically looking daughter. "Guess I better get you cleaned up." Zyglavis shrugs his shoulder and sighs a little, a tiny smile on his face, as he picks up his tiny daughter within his arms and takes her to the bath.

Zyglavis fills up the bath and strips Kari down before placing her in the tub. He made sure to add bubbles because she loved them. Kari was giggling with glee as she splashed about with the bubbles. "Whoa. Watch it. You are having the bath not me." Zyglavis leans back some to try avoid getting wet but she starts to splash even more, as if she was purposely trying to drench him; the amused smile on her face and mischievous glint in her eye only confirming that claim.

Pointless trying to resist, Zyglavis gives up and joins his daughter in the bath. Kari immediately starts to splash him in the face and Zyglavis, not about to let her win, splashes her back and by the end the entire room was practically it's own swimming pool.

Zyglavis looks around the water covered room, there was even water over the ceiling, "___, Isn't going to like this." He mutters, looking troubled. Of course, he could use his powers to fix things up, but you wanted to act like a normal family and so he promised not to use them unless absolutely necessary. Zyglavis contemplates if this is something that would be necessary to use his powers to fix, but as he does so, Kari manages to slip away, and just after he finished dressing her.

"Not again!" Zyglavis is beyond frustrated now as he goes to find his daughter again. This time she is found climbing a bookcase. Zyglavis gasps in horror upon seeing this and doesn't even think before jumping into action and bolting across the room and pulling her off. He then sits her on the couch and gives her a stern look as he firmly scolds her. Once he finishes telling her the dangers of doing something so reckless her stomach soon growls and he sees she is hungry.

"Lunch time, huh." Zyglavis picks her up and carries her into the kitchen and tries to find something he can make her. "How about a sandwhich?" He asks but she shakes her head. Zyglavis's shoulders drop in disappointment and he continues his search on something suitable for her to eat. Eventually settling on a can of spaghetti, that was something even he couldn't mess up.

"Here." Zyglavis sits Kari at the table and places the hot bowl of spaghetti in front of her but she refuses to eat it. "You wanted spaghetti so eat the spaghetti." Zyglavis was clearly frustrated but she still refuses. "Too hot." She mumbles and Zyglavis's eyes widen. He rolls his eyes and sits down besides her and begins to cool down the noodles by blowing on them before bringing the fork to her mouth. Kari happily eats the noodles, seeming pleased to be getting fed from her father.

"You really are a handful. It's no wonder ___ Is so tired." Zyglavis says with a small smile, finally understanding how you felt all this time. It definitely wasn't an easy job but at the same time, Zyglavis couldn't deny he was enjoying the time he got to spend with his precious daughter; it was definitely something he wouldn't trade for the world.

Later that evening, you wake up feeling refreshed after a hard earned sleep. You are surprised to be greeted by nothing but silence and quickly grow concerned. You look all over for the pair and soon stop in your tracks, stunned to find them both fast asleep on the couch. Little Kari was nestled safely in his arms as he held her by his side. The pair slept soundly with smiles on their faces, probably tired after the long but exciting day they had. A smile took over your features, you gaze at them with nothing but love an affection; feeling blessed to have such a wonderful family.

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