Dui As A Daddy

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Deciding it would be a good idea for Dui to spend some time with the twins, you send the three of them off to the park. "Make sure you keep an eye on them. And have a good time." You say with a smile and lean in to give Dui a goodbye kiss. "I will. Alright, we are off. See you later." Smiling, Dui waves as he goes, the two little ones following by his side.

On his right side was his daughter, Raine, and on the left his son, Shin. Dui made sure to keep a firm grip on their tiny hands as he leads them to the park; holding their hands in his big one fills him with unimaginable joy, as these are his kids, his precious creations.

Before long the park came into view. It was a nice sunny day and the heat of the sun felt nice against his skin. Dui breaths in the summer air with a pleasant smile. "We are here." Dui says and both twins faces instantly light up. "Yay!" They both shout at once and in an instant they had pulled away from Dui and run to the playground.

"Hey, wait up!" Dui shouts from behind, running along to catch up to them, smiling as he goes. There is no one else at the park today so they were lucky enough to have the whole thing for themselves.

Raine rushes up to the swings and gets on, "Daddy. Push me!" She calls out to Dui with her cute little voice, looking at him expectantly. "Coming." Dui comes up behind her and starts giving her little pushes. "I can push myself!" Shin says getting onto the swing next to his sister and trying to move the swing on his own. Dui watches closely as he still gently pushes Raine, "That's good, Shin." Dui smiles happily, doing his best to encourage the little boy. Shin tries and tries to move his swing but he only manages to get it going a little until finally giving up in disappointment.

"I know you can do it. Don't give up. Keep on trying and you will succeed." Dui gives his son words of encouragement, "Okay!" Shin shouts with determination and tries once more.

"Daddy, faster!" Raine says, kicking out her legs wanting to go higher than what Dui had been pushing her. Dui chuckles a little, "Only if you hold on tight. I don't want you falling off." He says and she nods her head, "I will!" replying excitedly. "Here we go." Dui picks up the speed and now she is flying higher than ever before. Raine squeals with excitement to be flying so high. Dui himself was smiling from ear to ear, proud to be the father of two such adorable kids.

"Daddy. I am moving!" Shin shouts in excitement as he finally gets his swing going higher. "I knew you could do it." Dui beams at him and Shin jumps off his swing and runs up to his father and hugs his legs, "Thanks." Dui freezes for a moment at the sudden affection from his son but then he starts getting a little emotional an leans down to embrace his son, "That's my boy." Dui smiles proudly at him and he smiles back, looking ever so happy that he did it.

Once they finish with the swings they then move on to the next part of the playground: the slides.

"Daddy. Come down the slide with me." Raine beams at him, pulling on the pants on his leg. "Okay, okay." Dui tussles the little girls hair and they both get up on the slide together. Dui places his daughter on his lap, "Hold on." Dui says and she grips on to his arms. Dui then pushes them both down the slide. "Wheeeee!!" Raine squeals out all the way down the slide while Dui wears a smile the whole way.

"Again!" Raine immediately wants to go again upon hitting the bottom, her smile bigger than before. Dui chuckles, "Okay." and he takes her back up once more. "Hey, I'm next." Shin says, pouting. He wanted to spend time with Dui too but Raine was hogging him. "Don't worry. I will take you right after this." Dui says, smiling at the sulking boy and messes up his hair. "Hey! Don't mess up my hair..." Shin says looking indignant from having his hair messed up. Dui just chuckles and then gets into position with his daughter for another go on the slide.

Dui was having the time of his life with his kids. He was grateful to have gotten this chance to spend the day with them. His daughter who took after you, in looks and personality, and his son who was practically a miniature version of himself; the only difference being Raine had his eyes and Shin had your eyes.

After giving both twins turns on the slide, they now went on to play ball. Dui used his powers to create a soft ball they could kick around.

"Ready?" Dui says, looking at Raine as he's about to kick the ball. "Yep." She nods with confidence. Dui kicks the ball to her and it was close but she just manages to make contact with the ball and hits it towards Shin. "I'll get it, I'll get it!" Shin says as he runs for the ball but unfortunately misses it and instead, in his hurry to get the ball, ends up tumbling to the ground.

"Shin!" Dui gasps as he watches his son hit the ground and hurries to his side, "Are you okay?!" Dui asks in concern as he looks his son over. Shin sits up, looking downhearted to have messed up. "I'm okay..." He replies in a weak voice and gives a little sigh. Dui smiles a little to himself, proud of his son for trying so hard, "Remember what I said about not giving up? I believe you can do it. You only fail when you truly give up." Dui says, smiling at his son and giving him a gentle pat on the head.

Shin looks up at his father, looking a little surprised before his expression turns to one of conviction, "Right. I'll do it better next time!" Dui nods to the little boy and stands up to continue the game. This time when the ball is passed over to him he swiftly runs up to it and kicks the ball back towards his sister.

"See. I knew you could do it!" Dui cheers at his son and Shin is smiling and laughing, so happy to have succeeded this time. Shin always doubts his abilities and gets disheartened but with the right encouragement he is able to pull off even what he thought was impossible.

Eventually, the day draws to an end. The sun has now begun to set, washing the sky in an orange hue. Raine and Shin both yawn and rub their eyes after their adventure filled day. "I'm tired..." Raine mumbles, starting to fall asleep. "Me too..." Both look like they could pass out at any moment. "We still have to go home." Dui says, he chuckles. Looks like there was no other way, "Looks like I'll be carrying you both home." Dui picks both up in his arms and once they are comfortable in his grip they soon fall asleep.

The walk home was a quiet one but for Dui it was filled with nothing but special memories for him. To have his two beautiful children sleeping in his arms made him the happiest man alive. He made sure to take his time as he walked home, not wanting his time with his twins to be over quite yet. It would indeed be a day he'd never forget.

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