The Birth Of Leon's Child

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With a tender smile on your face you gaze lovingly at a photo frame in your hands; there in the photo was you and Leon on your wedding day. You gently stroke the glass concealing the photo as you think back to that day and how happy you both were. You remember how sore your cheeks were from smiling all day but it was a joyous day that finally cemented your union with the arrogant but kind god. Even the gods of the heavens attended your happy day. You still vividly remember the gods from wishes and punishments creating quite a scene at Leon getting married.

"What are you looking at?" Leon came up from behind you and peered over your shoulder.

You turned around, still smiling, "Just looking back at our wedding. It really was a special day."

"Heh. That Scorpion couldn't even hide how jealous he was. And that problem child really caused a scene with his little wine prank." Leon said, with a little smirk as he recalled that day.

You giggled in response, "I sure wasn't expecting all the wine to go shooting into the air and explode like fireworks." His prank made a total mess but now it was a fond memory of yours and you wouldn't change a thing.

"So..." Leon pressed up against you and snaked an arm around your waist and placed his hand on your swollen belly, "How's mummy and the little one?"

"We are just fine." You grinned cheekily and quickly kissed Leon on the cheek. "Oh...!" Just then you felt the baby kick in your stomach as if it was also responding to Leon.

Leon's eyes lit up as he felt the kick, "Seems our child is just like their mother." Leon teased and you puffed up your cheeks, "What are you trying to say?" Leon grinned and poked your inflated cheek, "Nothing."

You both broke out laughing together. It wouldn't be long now until the baby would be born. It was still hard to believe you were pregnant and would be starting a family of your own. It felt like you had only just got married and now you were already beginning a new journey.

You remember when Leon first found out about the pregnancy, he was in absolute shock and could hardly form a coherent sentence. But hos shock turned to one of utter joy as he lifted you in his arms and spun you around excitedly. Leon couldn't wait to see his child; his shared creation with you. It would be the first thing he ever had the pleasure of creating throughout his life. He knew it meant he'd have to take on new responsibilities as being a father wasn't to be taken lightly. Leon wanted to be the best father and husband he could be. He took extra special care of you during your entire pregnancy, always checking in on you and seeing how you were coping. He never expected too much from you and if there was any way he could make things easier on you he would be sure to do so.

You and Leon already had everything set out on which hospital you would go to and clothes packed for your stay.

You couldn't help but be nervous and excited all at once as this was your first ever pregnancy and the thought of giving birth was rather terrifying but you knew with Leon by your side everything would be okay in the end.

"Don't worry. You won't be alone." Noticing the worried look on your face, Leon whispered soothing words to you. "Yeah... Thanks." You nodded, doing your best to smile.

"That's my girl." Leon smiled affectionately and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. "Why don't you get some sleep? You look tired." He stated, looking at the bags under your eyes probably from tireless nights of worrying.

You did feel tired and so you agreed, "I think I will." You responded and Leon guided you by the hand to the couch and sat you down before sitting next to you. "Here." Leon patted his lap, gesturing for you to rest your head on him. You carefully eased your way backwards on the couch until you were nicely nestled on his lap.

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