MC Waking From Her Coma: Dui & Huedhaut

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Dui: It felt like an eternity had passed. Dui still patiently waited for you to someday open your eyes. Your wounds had long since healed from the beating you endured. Sure enough, Dui found the offenders and taught them a lesson they'd never forget. The only thing that stopped him from ending their lives was that he wanted to be there for you if you were to wake up. Dui couldn't just leave you alone and go off and die himself. No. He wanted to be with you the day you woke up and he kept clinging on to the hope you would, for if he were to give up, he surely would lose his mind and give in to insanity. Dui was hardly ever seen apart from you; he spent more time at the hospital than he did in the heavens. The hospital had become his home as wherever you were was home to him. Dui never stopped wishing everyday that this might be the day you woke up and he'd finally be able to share in smiling with you like times past. Oh how he wished for that. When the days went passed and you still remained asleep there was days Dui would give way to tears as he felt so alone without you; so cold, so lost, so lonely. There was no doubt he needed you. Then it finally happened, you woke up. Dui jumped from his chair in his excitement and anticipation; he couldn't believe this was really happening. You were really awake. You sat up on the bed looking a little dazed but once your eyes fell upon the emotional Dui you couldn't help but smile. Dui could hardly find his voice as his words got caught in his throat. His lips quivered and his hands shook as he slowly reached out to you as if he was seeing if you were really real. Upon touching your cheek, Dui could feel the warmth of your skin and immediately gave way to tears as he threw his arms around you and held your head against his chest. Dui finally found his voice and expressed how he missed you and was so overwhelmed to finally see your beautiful eyes. You almost felt like crying yourself from seeing how emotional he was and said how you could hear his painful screams in your sleep but was unable to respond. It was indeed a joyous reunion. Dui couldn't have been happier, his dreams of the future were no longer just mere dreams but one of many happy possibilities that awaited you both. Dui would be sure to never let you slip through his fingers ever again. From now on he would see to your safety and your happiness for he could never go through the pain of nearly losing you ever again.

Huedhaut refused to give up on you. He didn't believe that you would never wake up. Huedhaut didn't care many years had gone by and you showed no signs of improvement. He already waited a lifetime for you to come back to him so what was a few more years? If anything, there was no way he could lose you a second time and so he'd wait forever if that's how long it took for you to come back to him. Huedhaut diligently stayed by your side every single day. Always wishing you'd open your eyes. It pained him it was a wish he himself could not answer nor a wish that would ever be heard. No. Huedhaut had to wait and hope that you yourself would hear his wish and wake up for him. Every day, Huedhaut pleaded with you to open your eyes and let him hear your voice. He promised to make you the happiest person alive if you would only just return to him. And then Huedhaut felt your hand moving in his own and not soon after did your eyes open. Huedhaut's mouth fell open from shock; were you finally awake? He thought. You blinked a few times as everything adjusted and then you saw Huedhaut and almost leapt at him. You were so happy to finally be awake and to see him with your own eyes as hearing his painful pleas while you slept was agonizing. Huedhaut's heart leapt for joy to finally be reunited with his one true love. His chest swelled with emotion; Huedhaut never wanted to let you go. Never again. He couldn't even begin to express how ecstatic he was to finally see your smiling face. Huedhaut was finally able to relax knowing you were awake and most of all you were the same girl he remembered you as and hadn't suffered from any permanent damage. The two of you broke out in smiles and laughter at the joy of being together once more. The sound of your shared laughter rang through the halls. It was the sound of two lovers finally finding their way back to each other. Huedhaut would be sure to always protect the smile on your face and never let you go again.

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