Proposal- Aigonorus

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"Aigonorus?" You intently stared at the sleepy god. He was acting rather restless and it had you concerned.

"Sorry." His voice was barely a whisper as he apologized.

Nervous, Aigonorus sat up on the bed and you sat up next to him, never taking your worried eyes off of him.

Aigonorus changed positions so he was directly facing you and took your small hands into his large ones.

"There is something I want to ask you but...I don't know the right way to do it." He said, he was acting rather timid.

"I see. Whatever it is I will listen to you." You encouraged him with your softly spoken words and kind smile.

Aigonorus took in a deep breath and focused his eyes on you, "You see...I don't want any one else to have you."

"I know that." You giggled but Aigonorus tensed up like he was making a fool of himself.

"What I'm trying to say is...I want to spend my life with you."

"What..." You caught your breath as you realized what his words meant. Your eyes grew large from shock.

"___. I want us get married. I want to marry you. Will you be mine?" Aigonorus breathed deeply aftee getting those words out. His eyes shook with anticipation as he awaited your reply.

You couldn't believe your ears. Your whole body had froze, "M-Marry. Us get married?" You repeated his words as it was all still sinking in.

"Yes. I want to be with you. Always."

Before you knew it tears had started to well up in your eyes from his touching proposal, "Yes! Of course. I will definitely marry you!" You leapt into his arms on the bed knocking him backwards and you laying on top of him.

"Thank goodness..." Aigonorus muttered in relief and wrapped his arms around you. "I promise to make you happy."

"I know you will." You rested your head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beat. It was so calming, "I love you, Aigo."

"I love you too, ___." He tenderly stroked your hair and before long you had fallen asleep in the comfort of his warm arms. Aigonorus was filled with a happiness he had never felt before. Overjoyed to have you in his life.

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