Zyglavis Playing With MCs Kitten

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You had just gotten a new companion to keep you company at home- a cute, fluffy little kitten. You couldn't wait to show your boyfriend, Zyglavis. You had already tucked the little kitten in the cat carrier and left on your way to the gods mansion. You imagined the surprise look on his face when you showed him your new friend, making you smile.

"He might not be too thrilled but I know he will warm up to her. After all who can resist all the fluffy cuteness?" You grinned, there was a slight spring in your step as you walked; you were definitely excited. Before long you reached the gods home and was greeted by a curious Altair. He informed you that Zyglavis was currently in his room and you immediately headed over. You knocked on the door, "Zyglavis, it's me." You said and from within you heard him respond with "Come in."

You stepped inside. Zyglavis turned around to greet you but was stopped when his eyes fell upon the carrier you were holding.

"What's this?"

"My new friend." You responded in an excited tone. Zyglavis's eyes widened at your response and came closer. You put the carrier on the floor and then opened the door and taking the small furball out. "See." With a big grin you pushed the kitten in front of a now surprised Zyglavis.

"What? A kitten?"

"That's right. Isn't she cute?" You asked with a big grin. Zyglavis, though, didn't know how to respond. His eyes darted about, "It's just a kitten." He remarked and you puffed up your cheeks, "Hmph. You'll see just how cute she is." You let the kitten on the floor much to Zyglavis's dismay. Straight away the kitten leapt across the floor and onto Zyglavis's foot. "Wha? Get it off me." Zyglavis looked like he was almost panicking from the little kitten rubbing itself over him.

"Aww. She likes you." You thought it was adorable. You then noticed the faint blush on his cheeks and thought maybe he liked the kitten too but wasn't good at expressing himself.

Unable to get the kitten away, Zyglavis knelt down and started to pat it, "Have you named her yet?" He asked.

You shook your head. "Not yet."

"Why don't we come up with a name?"

"Really? Okay!" Together you both worked on a name for the little kitten, "Hmm. Why not Anna?" Zyglavis said. "Anna?" You responded. You wondered why he chose that name. "It just come to me. If you don't like it. Fine. We can pick something else."

You quickly shook your head, "No. No. I like it! Let's call her Anna." You couldn't have been happier that Zyglavis came up with a name for your new kitten.

Zyglavis picked up the kitten in his arms and then sat down. The sight was too cute for words as Zyglavis played with the kitten. It wasn't long before it fell asleep within his arms. Zyglavis made sure to be still as possible so it wouldn't be disturbed. He really did love the kitten even if he was too embarrassed to admit it. In fact he would often spend more time with it then even you could and the two of them became just about inseparable.

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