Zyglavis Doing Everything He Can To Save MC

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It had only been a short time since you and Zyglavis had started dating. You were still kind of awkward around each other but you knew just how much he cared for you. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for you nor you for him. You thought this is what it must feel like to really be in love. However, loving a god would not come without its challenges. Those in the heavens looked down upon you- a mere human- for ever thinking she could love someone like Zyglavis: Minister of the Department Of Punishments. You didn’t like to admit it, but their scornful words hurt, though, this was the price of falling for a god. Something that should have only been possible in fairytales. Although, whenever you were the object of slanderous words from the other gods, Zyglavis would cast an icy cold glare on them and they would immediately shut up; scurrying away for their lives. That always lightened your mood, somewhat.

Today, you were to go on a date with the devilishly handsome minister; someone whom you felt no matter how hard you looked you would never find another like him. He really was one of a kind: and he was all yours. Zyglavis was lucky enough to get the day free of work after pushing all his duties onto Scorpio- his vice minister- though Scorpio was far from happy at this. In fact he was scowling the whole time Zyglavis was speaking with him. ‘He didn’t refuse though, hehe.’ You giggled a little as you thought back to Scorpio’s reaction when Zyglavis approached him; you thought the fact he didn’t refuse meant he wasn’t actually all that bothered but just liked to create a fuss. ‘Or maybe he is happy for us and wanted to allow us some time together.’ You shook your head and wiped that from your mind; of course that wouldn’t be it.

“Are you ready?” You heard a voice coming from outside my balcony window and turned to see Zyglavis standing there.

“Oh, yes. I just finished.” You smiled and went to open the glass door.

Zyglavis intently stared at you and a half-smirk played on his lips, “You dress well.”

You giggled, “Is that your way of saying you approve of my clothes?” You were wearing a light pink blouse with a small white ribbon around the collar and a dark blue midnight skirt that just came above your knees; there was tiny sparklers covering the skirt giving the illusion of stars.

The smirk vanished from his lips and his eyes avoided yours, “If that is what you wish to believe.” You noticed just the faintest flush on his cheeks. You loved it when he was shy and awkward.

“Let’s go.” You smiled brightly and took his hand; you noticed the slightest flinch as you did so but he quickly squeezed in return.

And together you left your apartment. You decided since it was such a beautiful day it would be relaxing to go for a walk through the nearby park and just take in the scenery with one another's company.

“Mmm, just smell that fresh air.” You took in a deep breath, the smile never leaving your face.

Zyglavis chuckled, a wicked smirk on his lips, “You call this fresh? This is garbage compared to the crisp, clean air of the heavens.”

In an instant your shoulders dropped and you frowned at him, “Do you have to bring up the heavens? I know it’s air might be better than that of planet Earth's but right now we are on Earth and I want to enjoy our date here, okay?” You looked at him with a slight pout, your tone showing you are tired of all these ‘the heavens is better’ talk.

Zyglavis visibly stiffened, possibly from your tone or the fact you mentioned the word ‘date’ it hit home just exactly what you two were doing. “I apologize. I won’t bring it up again.”

You noticed the slightest glint of confusion in his eyes, it was like he was still processing everything that was happening and all the changes that suddenly shook his life.

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