Training A Goddess- Zyglavis

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You were led into a rather exquisite looking bedroom; this was the room you would be calling home for the next several months- or even longer.

They had just recently surfaced- your powers that is- and you had no idea how to control them.

Under the King's orders you were to stay at the palace where a chosen god would become your teacher and help get these powers of yours under control.

Nervous, you anxiously sat on your bed as you awaited to see what god you would be spending so much time with. Just then, the door made a creaking sound and you came to attention closely watching the door with bated breath.

“Ah,” you gasped, “It's him.” Your chest squeezed a little from joy and overwhelming anxiety.

Zyglavis, the god you had crushed on for so long was to become your teacher; he was the one who would lead you through this difficult time. This made you happy but also very uneasy as you didn’t want to look like a fool in front of him. You had no choice, you would just have to do your best to avoid any unfortunate accidents.

“So you are the goddess being placed in my care.” Zyglavis’s words cause you to straighten up, “T-That's right.” that was all you said as you stood frozen to the spot, eyes slightly wide.

Zyglavis carefully observed you before taking a step forward, “You look familiar,” he mused, his stare making you uncomfortable. “I can guarantee we have never met.” You nervously laughed. You couldn’t have him catching on that you had seen him several times in the past when he was out in public just because you wanted to be near him.

‘It must be fate that we are together now.’ A small smile formed on your lips.

“Hmm, what are you smiling for?’ Zyglavis asked, looking suspicious. The smile instantly vanished from your face and you took a step back, flustered, “N-No. It was nothing.” You shook your head but Zyglavis didn’t look convinced.

“It's unusual for a goddess such as yourself to have such powers. A very rare occurrence indeed.” Zyglavis looked at you with a puzzling expression.

Indeed, it was very unusual, for a goddess to have power over the weather and water itself, it was by far not a common occurrence in the heavens.

However, it was proving to be quite a troublesome power. The weather became a reflection of your emotions- this didn't always occur but if you were to experience a rather strong emotion it would impact the current weather, and so it was Zyglavis’s taske to help get this power under control.

“I require that you listen to me at all times. If we are to get your powers properly trained I must have your utmost attention.” Zyglavis said with a stern voice, he definitely was as strict as they said he would be.

You shook a little but quickly nodded, ‘I will do my best.” Zyglavis looked pleased with your response. Training was to begin immediately.

Meditation was a vital tool in staying calm and so Zyglavis took you outside where you would sit on the velvety, green grass and be made to balance a book on your head for a period of time.

“Zyglavis. Has it been long enough?” You started to feel tired from sitting on the same spot for over an hour without ever moving but Zyglavis was not satisfied yet. “This is only the beginning. Now I will be adding several more books. Do be sure to stay balance.” You groaned in response. As soon as the new books had been placed on your head they immediately toppled off as you started to sway.

“Oh no!” Aghast, you watched the books fall one after another. Looking up you could see the cold look in Zyglavis’s eyes. “Unacceptable. You can't even manage a few books? At this rate the King may as well strip you of your powers.” Zyglavis said with displeasure as he picked up the books, “This time pay attention so you don't make the same mistake.”

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