You Are No Burden- Zyglavis

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It was horrible. Day after day you struggled just to get out of bed let alone get any work done. Your blood pressure had been awfully low as of late and nothing you did seemed to help. You were constantly struck by dizziness and feeling lightheaded. Your body felt like lead while at the same time you felt numb all over and even felt your body temperature rise.

“Ugh, this is painful. I want to be able to go out like normal but my body just won't work with me.”Closing your eyes, you groaned in frustration.

To make matters worse your boyfriend had been rather busy lately and you haven't had the chance to see him for some time, and now you were missing him dearly but didn't know if you even had the energy to go disturb him while he worked simply because you were lonely.

“I've been telling him I'm fine. But that's not true…”

Since Zyglavis was unable to come see you personally he had the other gods come check in on you and every time it was always the same. You would tell them you were good and that Zyglavis should focus on his work and you can get together sometime in the future when things were a little calmer.

Those words belied your true feelings. However, you thought it was for the best as Zyglavis was an important god in the heavens and you didn't want to burden him with something as trivial as your feelings. And you were sure your blood pressure would correct itself in the future. It was nothing to worry about even if it was incredibly frustrating.

All day your thoughts would turn to those of Zyglavis. Everything seemed to remind you of him. Even the food you ate and the shows you watched. You thought you must be going mental seeing him everywhere. It seemed your heart was crying out for him more than ever, and though you tried to keep it under control you were quickly losing the willpower to fight it.

“I can't stand it. I have got to go see him.” You turned the TV off and threw the remote on the couch.

You quickly hurried to get dressed and raced out the door, all while swaying on your feet as you still felt lightheaded.

Your head throbbed as you headed to the gods house but you did your best to ignore the pain and focused on what you'd do when you got there. You hoped Zyglavis may be there today, if he was in the heavens you didn’t know what you'd do.

“Whew. Okay.” You fidgeted nervously in front of the door, “I probably should knock…” You couldn’t help but feel a little worried about the possibility of disturbing Zyglavis when he was busy and especially since you are coming over unannounced.

You carefully knocked on the door, your heart racing in anticipation as you waited for it to open.

Slowly, the door opened and you were greeted by two smiling faces.

Dui and Ichthys.

“___? I wasn't expecting you today. It's been so long since you visited!” Ichthys said, beaming at you. He looked awfully happy to see you.

“Hey, Ichthys. Don't jump all over her now. Zyglavis would get mad if he saw you.” Dui scolded the childish god, sighing. “It's nice to see you. I take it you are here to see him?”

After wiggling free of Ichthys grip you looked at Dui, “Yes. Is he here?” You asked with bated breath. Hoping you would get a positive reply.

Dui remained silent for a moment and a smile broke out on his face, “He just returned from the heavens. He is in his room right now.”

You were instantly overcome with relief. One obstacle out of the way now you just had to think of what you'd say when you actually went to his room. He probably will be very surprised to see you but you still hoped he would be okay with you visiting him while he was so busy…

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