The Gods Changing Departments For A Short Time

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Team Wishes

Leon: Leon would take delight in the chance to punish those naughty little goldfish. Granting wishes everyday can get boring so being able to shake it up, even if it was only temporary, intrigued him. He would be cruel but straightforward with his punishments. Be bad? Then be ready to face the consequences. Leon will see to it that the punishments he dishes out would ensure the offender would never again repeat their offence. Though, sometimes the other gods would question his morals on punishing humans but he didn't care, after all, it was fun to teach bad goldfish a lesson.

Teorus: Teorus wouldn't be too happy about having to give out punishments. He prefers to grant the wishes of beautiful ladies not to punish them. He would still do as he was told but wouldn't find any pleasure in punishing...not at first. After he had a taste of punishing bad humans and saw the changes they made in affect of those punishments, Teorus thought up new ways to punish humans and try teach them that being bad won't benefit them in anyway.

Huedhaut: Huedhaut simply goes with the flow. Even though he much rather granting wishes than giving out punishments, he still does what he was ordered to do. He makes sure to be careful with his punishments and sees to it that he punishment benefits everyone in question. Out of the three gods. Huedhaut would be the most adept at giving out punishments. Huedhaut acts in a strict manner but does it out of kindness. Or so he says...

Team Punishments

Scorpio: Scorpio would be infuriated he had to grant the wishes of the lowly humans. He didn't want to grant such ungrateful creatures any wishes. Whenever he was tasked with granting a wish, Scorpio would be scowling and cursing under his breath. He couldn't wait until he could go back to punishing humans and putting them in their place instead of granting all their fleeting desires; which by the way made him feel sick to his stomach.

Dui: Dui would be thrilled to be able to grant the wishes of those on earth. He would try his best to fulfill everyone's heartfelt desires, albeit a little confused when some people asked for things and he had no idea what they were talking about and had to ask the other gods. To be able to grant wishes for a change filled him with joy, however his darker side didn't take quite as much enjoyment from it as he did but he was also happy though he wouldn't admit it.

Ichthys: Ichthys would be full of excitement and couldn't wait to get started on granting wishes. He would feel like some superhero being able to grant the wishes of humans. Hearing the different kinds of wishes that humans come up with would intrigue him and excite him. Punishing was one thing but granting wishes was a whole other thing. Ichthys had never had so much fun. It only fueled his desire to learn more about humans after he heard all kinds of interesting things.

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