The Birth Of Scorpio's Child

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You rub your swollen belly; your baby was due any day now. Scorpio had already been acting like a panicked father-to-be; continually asking you if you were okay and that you weren't in any pain. You were touched by his concern. Just then you felt the baby kick in your stomach and jumped at the sudden surprise.

"What is it?" Scorpio asked in a hurry, his eyes wide. "The baby just kicked." You replied and his eyes now lit up. Without even giving it a second thought, Scorpio placed his hand on your belly, trying to feel the kicks from his child. "I feel it. Heh. That's my child." Scorpio smiled proudly. At first he wasn't sure of the idea at becoming a father so soon after getting married, but as time went on he really warmed up to the idea and now couldn't wait to meet his child; Scorpio was practically jumping with joy.

You both decided you would have the baby on Earth and so for the past several weeks you haven't gone to the heavens; even Scorpio has spent more time with you lately then doing his duty in the heavens. Thanks to Zyglavis and the other gods, they have been taking care of his work load during this time.

A few days later you awoke to a severe pain in your belly and realized exactly what was happening- the baby was coming. You had started having your first contractions and cried out in agony. Your scream startled the sleeping god awake; for one who loves to sleep through the mornings he sure woke in a flash to your voice.

"___? What is it?!" He asked in a panic. You looked to him, taking in heavy breaths while clutching your belly and looking rather pale, "The baby is coming." Those words were all it took for Scorpio's eyes to shoot open and leap off the bed in one bound- throwing off his blanket as he did. In a fluster, Scorpio gathered all the neccasry items you would need during your stay at the hospital.

Once he had everything together, Scorpio snapped his fingers. He arrived near the hospital and was just about to start bolting for the hospital door when he realized one very important piece was missing: you.

Scorpio hurried back home and found a less than impressed you sitting on the bed frowning.  Scorpio quickly apologized for his error; he was so flustered that he didn't notice. After all, this was his first time doing this.

This time, Scorpio made sure you were with him and hurried you into the hospital where you were immediately taken into the maternity ward. Scorpio was also allowed to be by your side during the delivery. You had changed into one of the hospital gowns and your water had already broken at this point. You were in an unbelievable amount of pain; your skin white as a sheet and your body covered in cold sweat.

Laying on the hospital bed it was now time to give birth to your child you carried for the past nine months. It was finally time. Scorpio stood silently by your side just like a worried father. He looked like a fish out of water as he stood there hopelessly.
Soon your screams filled the room; each one making Scorpio cringe in horror at just how much pain you must be feeling. Scorpio grabbed one of your hands and tried his best to support you but all you could do was scream out in pain and squeeze his hand so tight until he could no longer feel it. Scorpio was amazed you had such a strong grip and was even more surprised at the amount of pain you were wreaking on his hand; but he just dealt with it as the pain you were dealing with was obviously far far worse. He just hoped his hand would regain it's feeling later and if he didn't then he will just accept it as his punishment for bringing this pain on you in the first place; that's what he thought.

After many hours of screaming and numb hands the baby was finally born. You sighed in relief; glad the agony of it all was finally over. You waited in anticipation to hear the gender of your baby and besides you Scorpio looked to be just as eager to know with his wide, curious eyes.

The nurse had wrapped the baby up into a blanket and brought the small bundle over to the happy couple, "Congratulations, It's a girl." She smiled and handed you your newborn daughter.

"A girl..." You muttered, giving way to a smile. You looked at the small form in your arms and nearly gave way to tears. You really had a child of your own; you were now a mother.

"A baby girl..." Scorpio said in an undertone as if he was speaking to himself. He looked to be a bit emotional at seeing his child. "We are a real family now." You said, smiling to him. Scorpio nodded, looking a little teary eyed. "Are you crying?" You asked in a gentle tone and Scorpio immediately stiffened up and looked away, "Course not."

You giggled, "Did you want to hold her?" You asked and he froze on the spot in uncertainty, "I-I... What if I hold her too tight? She's so small..." Scorpio started to panic but you assured him he'd be fine; after all, he was her father, you knew there was no way he'd hurt her.

Scorpio took a deep breath before carefully taking the small bundle from your arms. Looking like he might faint, Scorpio brought his daughter close to him in the most cautious of movements.

"Ahaha. You really are worried." You smiled at the sight of Scorpio holding his child for the first time. Even if he was awkward about it you could see the love in his every movement. "Of course I am. I don't want to mess this up." He sounded so serious about it. Finally having his daughter nestled safely in his arms, Scorpio breaths a sigh of relief and looks down at her with tender, loving eyes.

"She's beautiful." Scorpio muttered happily; the smile on his lips growing ever bigger- he probably didn't even notice how much he'd been smiling. Holding her safely in one arm, Scorpio used the other to gently stroke her little cheek; feeling his daughter for the first time filled him with strong emotions that he couldn't even begin to describe.

"What should we name her?" You asked. Scorpio looked down at his sleeping daughter, smiling affectionately, "How about Akari?" He responded.

"Akari... That means light doesn't it?"

Scorpio nodded, "That's correct. You two are my shining beacons of light in my otherwise dark and gloomy life. You both are my world and I would do anything for you; even give my life." Scorpio's words were filled with nothing but love for those dearest in his life.

"Wow. I didn't think you could get so sappy." You giggled. You couldn't resist poking a little fun but honestly, you were blushing like mad and your heart beating like crazy at his declaration.

"Shut up. Why did you have to ruin the moment?!" Scorpio looked to be annoyed but it was only an act; nothing could ruin Scorpio's happiness on this day. Not the day his daughter was brought into the world- into his life. Though tired, you wanted to burn this memory into your mind; you wanted to remember this precious day for the rest of your life.

"___, thanks. Thank you for showing me what it really means to love another and finding real happiness. For this I can never thank you enough. I'll spend my life showing you just how important you are to me. Now and forever." Scorpio looked at you with pure, unrestrained love and affection. Carefully clutching his newborn daughter to him, Scorpio leaned down to place a soft kiss on your forehead, "I love you, ___." He whispered just a hair breadths away from your face; you could still feel his hot breath tickling your skin. "Scorpio, I love you too. Let's always be happy, together." You smiled back at him. It wasn't long before you had no more energy left and fell in to a deep sleep. Scorpio remained at your side the whole time, holding your hand and softly smiling as he admired his sleeping angel.

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