MC Getting Frisky With Zyglavis

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This is basically similar to another post I did earlier but today someone on Tumblr requested I write a part for Zyglavis so I'll post him here too~ And his part alone is nearly the length of the other gods. Whoops.

Zyglavis had been giving his work so much attention lately that you were feeling rather neglected. Often when you came over to see him he would only give you a short greeting before returning his focus on his work. You spent so many cold nights alone sleeping on his bed craving his warmth that you thought you might go crazy from your thirst for his touch. Tonight, however, things would change; you couldn't bear have your feelings ignored any longer. You weren't even sure if Zyglavis even realized what he'd be doing or how you felt and so you were going to show him. Show him up close and personal just how much you needed him. It was late into the night and you had already said good night to Zyglavis before going to sleep on his bed but it was then you decided something had to be done; it wasn't enough just having him in the same room with you. Him working and you sleeping every night; this wasn't how you wanted your relationship to be. The bed creaked beneath you as you sat up and slowly got to your feet and from then you focused directly on your target and marched over.

Zyglavis was surprised to see you awake as he thought you had gone to sleep but then he caught a glimpse of your eyes and knew something was amiss. Before he even had a chance to react you had grabbed him by his arm, though he could have resisted, Zyglavis allowed you to pull him from his chair and drag him towards the bed. His eyes went wide upon being pushed forcefully down onto the bed and no sooner did you climb ontop of him. Your eyes were like that of a ravenous beast hungering for their prey. You took no time in getting him and yourself undressed probably even setting a new world record in the time it takes to strip. Zyglavis was dumbfounded by this complete change in you, it wasn't like you to be so forceful.

When Zyglavis tried to ask you what was going on you didn't even let him finish before sealing his lips with a hungering kiss and ravishing his mouth. Between kisses you explained your feelings to him and he finally understood. He promised to not repeat the same mistake and apologized for what he had done. Now Zyglavis had finally relaxed and let you maintain control; for now that is. The blush on his cheeks from being so completely dominated by you earlier had now vanished and replaced by a look of passion and lust for you. You greedily sought out his lips again and again before your lips traveled down his neck leaving tiny red marks as you went. Zyglavis flinched from the sensation but when he realized what you had done that was when the tables turned and Zyglavis flipped you over and he was no on top looking down at your naked form from above, he thought it was breathtaking and admired you for a moment before a wicked smile flashed over his lips and he buried his face into your collarbone leaving bite marks of his own. Zyglavis had no intention on playing nice with you tonight, after all, you had been hungering for him for so long and he was planning to satisfy that hunger of yours. You screamed out his name over and over that night as he made sweet love you to in a way you'd never forget. The next morning both of you were left breathless from such a passion filled night. Both of you covered in bruises and Zyglavis's back was left scratched up from your nails digging into him. Just looking at one another sent both your faces scarlet red as you remembered the night just spent. Zyglavis didn't dare let anyone else see the marks you left on his body especially as he was the Minister Of Punishments and with his reputation of being so straight-laced he didn't even want to imagine the horrors that would ensue. However, he encouraged you let everyone see your marks as he wanted all the gods to know you were his and his alone.

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