Proposal- Huedhaut

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A date with Huedhaut. You were so excited. Though he hadn't told you where you would be going so the destination was a mystery. But that didn't matter, as long as you were with him anywhere you went would make you happy.

You finished the final touches on your makeup and checked yourself in the mirror to make sure everything looked perfect. You went with a pair of black jeans and a pink blouse. You weren't sure if this was the appropriate dress for where he was taking you but with nothing to go on you had to make do.

There was a soft knock on your front door. Huedhaut had arrived.

A smile grew on your lips as your excitement bubbled up within you. With a spring in your step you opened the door and met the face of the man you adore so dearly with a kind smile.

"You are looking as lovely as ever tonight." Huedhaut gently kissed your cheek.

"You are embarrassing me..." Your cheeks were ablaze from his sweet words.

Huedhaut smiled meaningfully seeing your pink cheeks like that was his plan all along.

"Are you ready?"

"Yep." You grinned, nodding.

"Then let's go." Huedhaut took your hand and together you left your apartment.

Your curiosity was building inside of you. Where was he taking you? What would you be doing tonight? You had no idea and the desire to find out was strong.


Huedhaut had led you to the doorway to the heavens.

Huedhaut looked at your face, riddled with confusion, smiling, "Tonight, I am taking you someplace special." he gently stroked your cheek and then opened the door.

Together you both stepped through the dazzling white light and in moments were no longer on earth but in the heavens.

"It's not too far away. Watch your step and don't let go of my hand." Huedhaut tightened his grip on your hand and started walking briskly towards the west. He was maybe a bit too eager to get to his desired destination.

You found yourself having trouble keeping up with his pace but nonetheless you did your best to stay on your feet.

"Hah hah hah..." Huedhaut had finally stopped giving you a chance to catch your breath. You were panting, hard.

"Hue... You could have-" Having been bent over you straightened up and what you saw left your words stuck in your throat.

"Like it?" Huedhaut asked in a soft whisper, a happy smile on his face.

Blinking a few times and your mouth hung open, you carefully looked at the scene before your eyes not wanting to miss a thing.

Huedhaut had led you to the most beautiful rose garden you had ever seen. Roses of every color and variety made this garden their home. Fireflies danced in the night sky making the roses look like something magical and in the distance was a lake that stretched out as far as you could see. The moonlight reflected off the water's surface and lit up the garden and the stars themselves looked like tiny fireflies dancing in the sky.

"Wow. I feel like I just stepped into a fairy tale."

Huedhaut chuckled, his eyes full of love, "It is quite magical. I want this to be the place, surrounded by such beauty, that you will always remember this moment."

You took your eyes off your surroundings and focused solely on Huedhaut, "What do you mean?" His words had left you puzzled.

However, instead of answering, Huedhaut stepped towards a rose bush and plucked one of the velvet red roses. Carrying the rose in his hand he walked up to you and carefully placed it in your hair.

"Beautiful." He smiled in satisfaction.

You reached to touch the rose and were surprised by how silky smooth it felt. It was almost addicting to touch and you had to force your hand away.

But then Huedhaut suddenly snapped his fingers and your vision was taken by a white light. You could feel it. Your clothes were changing. The clothes you previously had on had disappeared and a gorgeous white princess gown had bloomed over your body- just like magic.

"What?" You eyed your new clothes in confusion.

"I saw your wish."

"My wish?" You looked up at eye with large eyes.

"Your wish to be a princess."

You knitted your brows together in confusion. You couldn't remember making such a wish. You thought about it for a moment when it finally hit you.

"You mean when I wished to be a princess when I was proposed to?"

"That's right." Huedhaut nodded, a wry smile on his lips.

You gasped, "But that was so long ago. I was much younger then." You were astonished that Huedhaut granted a wish you had made so long ago.

But then you realized something far more important, "Wait." Your mouth opened up as shock overtook you.

Huedhaut's eyes crinkled into a smile and he took your hand in his, "It seems you finally caught on. I was wondering when you would." There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.


"___..." The smile vanished from his lips, he gazed you with a look of tender love. He was now more serious than he was moments ago.

Huedhaut knelt down, still holding your hand. He placed his free hand over his heart, "I lost you once before; the only woman I ever loved. When I found you again I swore I would never let you go again. For as long as you live I wish for us to be together. I promise to spend my life loving you and only you and I hope you will only ever look at me with those gentle eyes of yours."

Huedhaut stopped for a minute to gauge your expression. You were already tearing up. A small smile tugged at his lips as he continued, "___, will you do me the pleasure of becoming mine? I wish for you to marry me. My one heartfelt wish."

Your entire body was hot, your heart was beating furiously. You felt like you might faint as you felt lightheaded, "Y...Y-Yes..." You choked out your reply.

Smiling, Huedhaut stood up and embraced you, "My goddess, my princess, I will always love you." Huedhaut grabbed your hand and snapping his fingers he left his mark on your finger. The most beautiful diamond ring you ever saw; the symbol of his love for you.

Unable to hold back any longer the tears rolled down your cheeks. You were so overwhelmed by your emotions you couldn't hold them in.

"Oh dear you are leaking. Good thing I'm here to fix you up." Huedhaut chuckled, leaning in to kiss your tears away before his lips found yours.

Under the moonlight you two shared a sweet and tender kiss. It was the start of your future together. One you knew would be filled with love and happiness. As you would always be happy with Huedhaut by your side.

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