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"This is unforgivable!" Leon spat, hitting his fist into the wall, his eyes cold as ice.

It had been all over the news that morning, a young woman was kidnapped on her way to work in broad daylight. Huedhaut was in disbelief when he found out it was you who was kidnapped and promptly notified Leon.

"This could be trouble. Who knows what a group of human thugs might do to an innocent woman." Huedhaut said, deeply concerned.

Leon's face darkened and his eyes shook with malice, "I'm going to find her." He declared in a low but firm tone.

Leon ignored Huedhaut's calls as he bolted from the mansion desperate to find you.

In a way, Leon was relieved it was humans who captured you and not a god or the search may have been that much harder.

It was faint but he could pick up your presence and soon found himself near an abandoned factory.

"This must be where they are holding her." Leon's eyes narrowed as he pursed his lips and made his way into the building.

Just as he thought, several armed men were present inside the factory.

"Who are you?!" One of the men barked, raising his gun.

Leon looked at him for a moment before flashing him a frightful smirk and then his eyes narrowed with rage, "I'm your worst nightmare!" Leon's voice echoed in the otherwise silent factory.

Seeing he was a threat the three armed men fired their guns. However, a powerful aura flowed around Leon causing them to ricochet and scatter about.

"M-Monster!" One of the men shouted and shrunk back in fear. They continued to fire their guns but proved useless against the god.

With powerful, daunting steps, Leon approached the men. He probably did look like a monster in their eyes.

"You impudent humans. Stealing my most sacred treasure. I should make you all suffer." Leon's voice was harsh and threatening, filled with contempt for the three men.



Leon snapped his fingers and in an instant their guns had warped into chains that wrapped around them and halting any form of escape.

"Just what you all deserve. To be locked away forever." Leon glared at the men, his face still overcome with hatred.

Turning his focus away from them, Leon scanned the area in search of you. Further in the back he could sense another presence and immediately broke out into a run as he knew it had to be you.

"____!" Leon shouted as he slammed open the door. There you were sitting in a dark corner with your mouth gagged and tied up by rope.

Your eyes grew teary at seeing Leon. You had never felt so relieved.

Leon rushed to your side and quickly set your free, "I'm so grateful you are safe..." Leon's voice was overcome with relief but then he saw the rope burns left on your wrist and his eyes widened for a moment.

"Your wrists..." Leon carefully took your hands into his and brought your wrists to his face and placing tender kisses over them.

"Leon..." You choked out his name. You were so scared. Your whole body was still shaking.

Still holding onto your wrists, Leon looked you in the eyes with gentle eyes, "I've never been so scared before... When I heard you had been kidnapped I nearly lost myself." Leon said, looking troubled.

"I...knew you would find me. I was scared but... I believed in you." You said, giving the tiniest smile through your emotional turmoil.

"____..."Leon's eyes shook as he whispered your name. He was being unusually timid. Keeping one hand on yours, Leon brought his other up to your face and gently traced a finger down your cheek that was wet with tears, "I will always save you. Always." He breathed, cupping your cheek in his big, warm hand.

Your lips trembled as you smiled at him and softly he kissed your lips. A kiss filled with his feelings. It was gentle but sweet.

Slowly he broke the kiss and picked you up in his arms, "Let's go home."

You happily nodded and clung on to him. Though the whole ordeal didn't last long, it felt like a lifetime to the both of you and now you both would go home and reconfirm your love over and over savoring one another's warmth.

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