The Gods Reacting To Your Addiction To Otome

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-”Why do you need some 2d man when I'm right here?”
-Doesn't see what's so good about it
-Would rather you got excited over him and not at your phone
-Cringes every time you let out a high pitched squeal
-Constantly spends his time moaning about your addiction
-Gives one of the otome games a go himself
-Still doesn't see the appeal
-Even more confused
-Gets jealous over your 2d men


-Claims he'll never understand the females mind
-What he means is he'll never understand your mind
-They aren't real so why do you drool over them?
-Tries to hide his jealousy but fails
-Even more confused then Leon
-Goes on and on about how stupid it is
-Swears he will wipe the data from your phone
-Never does though
-Spends his time sulking
-Curses under his breath
-Swears to become better than any of your 2d men


-Pouts when you give your attention to 2d men instead of him
-Jealous but loves to see the excited look on your face as you read
-Will carefully snuggle up to you like a cat begging for attention
-He tries to accept your love for 2d men
-He knows he can't change you
-If you can't beat them join them
-He uses his powers to play the stories on TV so you both can enjoy them together


-Tries to come up with logical solutions why you may be so interested in 2d men
-Can't come up with any
-Carefully observes your addiction
-Finds it unhealthy
-Tries to limit it
-He realizes how important it is to you and accepts your addiction
-If they help make you happy when he can't then that makes him happy too
-Still wishes you didn’t always gush about them in front of him
-But gives up trying to change you and instead happily listens to whatever you say


-Acts like a spoilt child when you aren't giving him any attention
-Alters the stories on purpose
-Quickly changes them back after having unleashed your fury
-Swears he will never mess with your 2d men again
-Is curious why you find them so interesting
-Thinks about becoming a 2d guy
-Scraps that idea because he would rather be able to kiss you for real
-Steals your phone to try see what it's all about
-Finds a character as mischievous as he is
-Gets addicted


-Can barely contain his jealous side
-Thinks about ridding you of your phone
-Decides against it because he remembers how happy you look reading your stories
-Can't take away your happiness
-Leaves him more conflicted
-Instead he purposely distracts you as you read by giving you surprise kisses
-Sometimes even rubbing his hands over your bare skin lustfully
-If he couldn't stop you from reading those stories he was going to at least made sure he had your full attention while he was around

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