Just In Time- Dui

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There was a big smile on your face as you happily made your way to the gods mansion with a bag of cherries you just recently bought. You couldn't wait to surprise Dui with them and thought of the adorable look on his face he gives you every time you bring him cherries. It was precious to you.

"Stop right there." A voice stopped you in your tracks. Before you even got the chance to see Dui you had been surrounded by a group of muggers.

"Ah!" You looked around, but there was nowhere to run. You grew fearful at the situation you were in.

"I-If you want my wallet you can have it." You began to reach into your bag for your wallet but were stopped as one of the men grabbed you forcibly by the wrist.

"You sure are a cute one. Too bad we can't let you live." The man's lips twisted into something hideous.

"W-W-Why? Why must you kill me?" You pleaded with them. Your voice shaky and your body trembled.

Another man came close and grabbed your jaw forcing you to look at him, "Because we can't let any who see us live to tell the tale. It seems your time is up."

All you could think of was Dui and the smile on his face. Would you never see his smile again? Your heart stung from the thought.

"Waah...!" A sharp pain spread through your body and you could feel your strength leaving your body after one of the men had punched you in the stomach and then another pulled out a knife.

"Noo...!" You tried to fight back but you were losing fast as you were being attacked in all directions. You barely had the strength to stand anymore and finally one of the men pulled you by the hair and held the knife to your throat. The cool blade sent shivers through your body. You closed your eyes as you knew you didn't have the strength to resist further.

"Get your hands off her!"

"Ah...!" You had suddenly been thrusted to the ground. You had expected to be dead at this point but somehow you were still alive. However, you have been badly injured and if not treated soon death still may not be far off.

"Why you?!"

It sounded like whoever saved you was now in a struggle with the three men. You used all the strength you had left to open your eyes.

"Dui?" It was Dui who had come to your rescue. You were in shock that he had come to save you. The men continued to fight him but it was useless. He was a god, there was no way they would win.

And as expected, Dui had beaten all three of the muggers and tied them up securely before running to your side.

"How could they do this to you?" A certain darkness flickered in his eyes. In there was an intense hatred towards the men who injured you.

Wasting no time, Dui snapped his fingers and produced a first aid kit and applied immediate first aid on you. He made sure to stop the bleeding and disinfected the wound.

"That should do it." Dui sighed in relief. Thanks to his quick actions you should be just fine.

"Dui... Thank you." You smiled weakly at him but Dui motioned for you to keep quiet.

"Save your strength." He said and then picked you up in his arms. Dui began to walk and it was then he noticed the bag of cherries a little ways off. It probably got sent flying when you had been attacked.

"You were bringing me cherries..." Dui muttered, seeming a bit regretful but then he smiled kindly at you, "You are too good for me. I'm so glad you are okay. Because I don't know what I would do without you. I love you too much to ever lose you"

In your weakened state you felt peace inside. Glad to be alive and still be able to see the smile on his face you adored so much. Dui carefully carried you all the way back to the mansion and there he watched over you until you made a full recovery.

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