Dui's Reaction To MC Being Pregnant With Twins

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The words repeated over and over again in his mind, 'Twins...' You were at the clinic and was getting your regular check up when you received the surprise of your life.

"You mean we are having two babies not one?" Dui keenly asked still shaken from the news.

The doctor nodded, "That's right."

Dui's eyes went wide and he turned to your swollen belly, "We are having twins..." He smiled, half in disbelief and half overjoyed.

You smiled at him and soon you both left the clinic hand in hand. Dui hadn't stopped smiling since until something seemed to come to mind and a troubled expression came over him.


"That's right."

"That means two little demi gods. ...Two possible demons we have to watch over!" His eyes darted about as he came to this revelation, he seemed to be really troubled.

You giggled, "Don't be silly. What makes you think they would be demons?"

His head shot towards you, still looking worried, "Ichthys told me so. He said all babies are demons."

You paused for a moment before breaking out into laughter. You covered your mouth as your shoulders shook. Dui looked surprised by your sudden outburst.

"What has that child been teaching you." You giggled and looked him in the eyes, "Don't worry. They will be just fine. They have wonderful parents after all."

Dui relaxed into a smile, looking relieved, "You are right. I should never have worried."

"I can't wait to see them. I hope they are born soon." Dui lightly smiled. You almost didn't want to break it to him that it was still awhile away.

"Sorry to say it will still be another five months."

Dui's bubble was broken, his shoulders slumped, "Oh... I see." But immediately he brightened up again, "I'll wait. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I'll be here for you all the way."

"Thanks." You smiled.

Dui reached for your stomach and lightly rubbed it, "Our precious angels..." He smiled like a proud father to be.

"Oh they are angels now?" You teased.

Dui immediately pulled back with a slight blush, "Well... Maybe... Yes..." He looked away to try hide his embarrassment.

You both joined in laughing as you awaited for the day you would become parents.

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