Power Switch- Leon & Scorpio

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The King of the heavens had been rather bored lately. Nothing interesting was happening and everything seemed to be almost too peaceful. Of course, as King he should be pleased that everything was so quiet, but nope, not this King. He lived for amusement and would do anything that benefited him. The King wasn't just the King of the heavens he was also the King of pranksters. Ichthys could learn a lot from him.

The King plotted his next scheme and came up with the perfect plan. He knew Leon and Scorpio had a strong rivalry going on and thought it would be amusing to stir things up between the two. What was his plan? He intended to switch the power of the two gods but that's not all...he would make it they can't be more than five inches apart or they would be overcome by an intense pain. Oh what a glorious prank this was. He was the King after all, he had to do a prank that would befit his status. His status as the King of pranksters that is.

Down on Earth.

Scorpio and Leon had been minding their own business when suddenly a sharp pain shot through their bodies and they could hardly move. Not knowing what was happening they rushed from their bedrooms out to the living room and there they saw Huedhaut relaxing with a book.

"Hmm. What is going on?" Noticing them, Huedhaut put his book down and realized the pained looks on their faces.

"Don't tell me that damn Lion is also experiencing the same pain?" Scorpio said as he realized Leon was also in the room. Both of them glared at one another but found it odd that Huedhaut was in no such pain.

"How odd. Only the two of you seem to be feeling it." Huedhaut rubbed his chin as he thought about it and then the two of them got closer so they could sit on the couch.

"Huh?" They both looked surprised to see their pain had stopped.

"Did the pain stop?" Huedhaut asked and they both nodded. Huedhaut found this perplexing that both stopped at the same time.

"Whatever it was It was freakin' annoying." Scorpio huffed and in frustration began to walk off but was stopped as he was once again plagued by the pain.

"What the hell?!" Scorpio barked.

"Don't tell me. No way..." Leon's eyes went wide. He looked deeply troubled. He moved to get closer to Scorpio and just as he thought, the pain stopped again.

"Interesting. It only seems to stop if you two are side by side." Huedhaut said as he understood the situation, a small smile on his face.

However, Leon and Scorpio hardly found it amusing.

"This is freakin' ridiculous. Why am I stuck next to him?" Scorpio spat and glared at Leon.

"I can say the same to you, you impudent Scorpion." Leon clenched his jaw and the two engaged in a staring contest and just then the two accidently touch each other.

"What?" Leon's eyes went wide. He was in utter confusion.

"What is it you stupid lion?" Scorpio asked sounding impatient.

"I just read your mind. That's not right." Leon looked troubled but then he scowled at Scorpio, "And how dare you think of me as an ignorant and pompous piece of scum. Just because you didn't say it out loud I won't have you insulting me in your thoughts." Leon scoffed and pursed his lips.

But Scorpio ignored him as he was more concerned that Leon had read his mind to begin with. "If you have my power then what power do I have now?!" Scorpio said and looked down at his hands and then to Leon.

"Don't you dare even think about trying it on me!" Leon protested and tried to run away but was again wracked by pain and quickly stood by Scorpio again, "If you touch me, I swear I'll kill you!" Leon said through his clenched teeth. He didn't fancy the idea if Scorpio did have his powers that... He'd receive pleasure from Scorpio of all people.

"Stop being a baby. I just want to check for a moment." Scorpio chided Leon but he still was against the idea.

"Go away!" Leon shouted but Scorpio just ignored him as he placed his hand on Leon's skin.

"Urgggh!" Leon tried to resist but it was useless as he grew weak from Scorpio's touch and nearly fell to the floor. Before Leon could take no more, Scorpio finally took his hand away.

"So I do have your power. Disgusting." Scorpio clicked his tongue.

Leon was breathing heavily and looking for sour with Scorpio, "How dare you. You forced your touch on me and all you could think about was how amusing the look on my face was?"

"That's not my fault. I can't control what the expressions that ugly mug of yours makes. If you didn't want me to think that then control yourself better." Scorpio grinned wickedly.

"Why you...!" Leon was fuming at this point. He wanted to strangle Scorpio but he also was too afraid to touch him and yet they were stuck standing side by side.

"This is better than a movie."

"You can't buy entertainment like this."

"You were right. This is fun to watch."

"Only the King would think of this. I should have him teach me."

Leon and Scorpio were far too busy with each other that they failed to realize the other gods had gathered in the room and were watching the pair in with uncontrolled laughter. Huedhaut already guessed it must have been the work of the King and knowing there would be nothing that could done, Huedhaut gathered the other gods to join in the fun. All at the expense of the two fuming gods.

The King watched from above, all too amused from the results of his current prank. It worked even better than he thought. The two gods tried so hard to not touch each other as Leon found it infuriating to read Scorpio's mind and Scorpio found the idea of pleasuring another man, and Leon of all people, very repulsive. How long did the King plan on keeping this going? Probably until he was bored of it or the two gods found out about his little prank and came to the King themselves. Either way It sure provided a lot of amusement for the King himself and the other gods.

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