The Gods Seeing You On Their Wedding Day

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-Is awestruck by your beauty
-Can't believe this is really happening
-Silently promises to always cherish you
-Is eager to make you his
-Confidently kisses you after saying your vows
-Is actually really nervous inside but hides it well
Keeps whispering sexy things in your ear that sends your heart soaring and your cheeks ablaze
-His nervousness starts showing at the reception
-Makes several mistakes during the dance but quickly covers them up
-Can't wait to finally have you all alone and constantly reminds you of it
-He can hardly stop smiling every time he looks at you
-He's just so happy
-He treats you like his most precious treasure the whole time


-Is really nervous
-Complains his suit is too tight
-Zyglavis keeps telling him to calm down
-What is calm??
-His swears his heart will rip through his chest
-Is left breathless when he sees you in your dress
-You are really going to be his
-He starts getting a tad emotional
-You are finally getting married it was like a dream
-He promises to always protect you
-Stutters the whole way through his vows
-You can practically see him shaking
-Awkwardly kisses you and is relieved when it's over
-The dance was even more of a nightmare
-He can't remember if he even got a single step right
-Is glad when the night is finally over
-Does a complete 360 when he finally has you alone
-Sweetly whispers to you how pretty you looked in the dress
-But now it was time to take it off


-Is nearly tearing up
-The other gods keep telling him to pull himself together
-He's just so happy to finally become one with the love of his life
-When he first sees you in your dress he is left stunned, only the word “gorgeous” could be heard under his breath
-”My beautiful goddess”
-He promised to always make you happy
-Dui is emotional as he recites his vows
-Smiling he happily kisses you and in front of everyone pledges his eternal love for you
-He is overjoyed to call you his wife and looks forward to a happy future with you
-He already looks forward to having babies with you
-”Can we get started right away?”
-Perhaps a little too eager
-You felt like a princess as Dui gracefully led you on the dance floor
-Only one thing was on Dui's mind as the night neared its end
-He couldn't wait to strip you of your dress and kiss the silky skin of yours
-Most of all he promised to always love you


-This was really happening
-Huedhaut was almost in disbelief
-You would finally become his wife
-He promised he'd never let you go ever again
-All he wanted was a happy family with you
-Though he remained composed he was feeling very emotional
-When he saw you in your dress for the first time he nearly shed a tear
-Saying your vows all felt so surreal to him it was like the two of you were in your own little world
-He couldn't take his eyes off of you for a moment
-All night he watched you with affection and love
-You were finally all his
-Never again would you have to be apart
-He looked forward to seeing you in the mornings and the nights
-He imagined a happy future for you both


-Thought about pulling a prank but seeing as this was your special day he thought better of it
-Couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear
-He was going to be married and that made him happier than anything
-When he saw you in your wedding dress his smile got even bigger
-”She's gonna be my wife”
-He couldn't contain his excitement
-He happily recited the vows and even gave you a greedy kiss to seal them
-Ichthys made sure to stay by your side all day so you didn't feel so nervous
-Any time he saw you were getting worried he'd do or say something silly to take your worries away
-When you had trouble remembering the dance Ichthys improvised and you were able to enjoy it more than any formal dance you prepared
-Ichthys made sure to keep you smiling all night
-When it finally came time to be alone at night Ichthys couldn't wait to undress you
-”Let's start making babies!”
-His words terrified you but there was no lie in his words
-He really was eager to have a child with you
-Ichthys dreamed of a warm home full of kids with you by his side


-He never imagined he'd date let alone get married
-He's just as nervous as Scorpio was but hides it better
-Jumps when Ichthys purposely talks in his ear
-Scolds the laughing Ichthys
-It was finally time for you to appear
-”Beautiful.” Zyglavis was left breathless from your beauty
-A tender smile played on his lips he knew he would always be happy with you
-And he'd make sure you were just as happy
-He wanted to take you in his arms then and there and kiss you
-He wished he could skip the formalities and just announce you as his wife as he didn't want the other gods seeing you look so pretty
-He wore the most affectionate smile you ever saw as you exchanged rings
-His nervousness almost but all vanished as he kissed you and made you his
-Zyglavis did his best to stay composed all day but it did leave him exhausted
-He couldn't wait to finally have you all for himself and hide you away from everyone else
-All he could think about was how he longed to strip you of your dress and treat you to a most passion filled night
-He promised he'd be gentle but when you looked at him with your own lustful eyes he didn't know if he could keep that promise

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