Kidnapped- Karno

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How could this happen? You had been kidnapped from right under his nose. Karno was outraged that someone take you from him.

"Just hold on, ___. I promise I will find you." Karno frantically searched everywhere for you. He wouldn't stop until he knew you were safe.

Due to his persistence Karno finally chanced upon the kidnappers hideout. He carefully manoeuvred his way inside trying to find where you were being kept.

"That must be the room." It was being guarded by several men. Karno narrowed his eyes and worked on a plan to save you. If only they were normal humans and not a gang of dangerous gods that had captured you this would be much easier.

"It shouldn't be long before I break her now." A man had just came out of the room wearing a slimy grin.

"Break her?!" Karno gasped and his blood pressure started to rise. The usually calm gentleman had but lost all sense of reason after hearing such a deranged thing being spouted from the kidnappers mouth.

Not able to wait a second longer, Karno gave away his presence and bounded towards the men. The gods didn't even know what hit them as Karno took them out in a flash in a blind rage.

"Don't you ever touch her again!" Karno bellowed to all the gods who now lay on the floor and unable to move.

After taking care of them, Karno immediately rushed to your side to see if you were okay.

"___...I'm so glad I found you." He let out a single, heavy breath of relief to finally have you back.

"Karno." You started to tear up, overjoyed to be saved by the man you loved.

"Let's go home." Karno took you by the hand and gripped it tightly as to never let you go again and together you left the beaten gods and returned home.

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