Dui And The Twins Bake A Cake For Mothers Day

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Dui already had everything worked out with the twins for mother's day. In the guise of taking them out for the day, Dui would then head to the house where the other gods dwelled and use the kitchen there to bake a cake.

Thankfully, Dui had some experience in baking after watching you many times in the kitchen. It didn't take him long to pick a thing or two for himself. It would definitely come in handy today.

"What are we making, daddy?" Rei asked, his eyes big and round and full of curiosity.

"Yeah! What?" Reina added with an eager tone. All too ready to start baking a cake for her mother.

Dui smiled kindly at the pair, "We will be making strawberry cream cake. That's mummy's favorite."

"That's my favorite too!" Reina said, smiling from ear to ear.

Dui chuckled and playfully raised and eyebrow, "Now, now. Don't go eating it before mummy gets the chance to."

"I won't." Reina shook her head vigorously and promised she would be a good girl.

The three of them quickly got underway with the preparations. Dui set the oven to the right temperature and had the twins prepare the needed eggs.

"Whoa. Not too much flour." Dui said with slightly wide eyes as he quickly stopped Rei from pouring too much flour in the bowl but in doing so the bag slipped out of the little boys hand. "poof" flour filled the room and the three of them were white as snow.

Dui blinked a couple of times in surprise and the next moment laughter filled the room as the twins laughed at their father's shocked face while covered in the flour.

"Now I'm all messy." Dui sighed.

He could have used his powers to clean himself up in a instant but he didn't want to do so in front of the twins as he promised you. Because you didn't want them to think their powers could be misused.

"You look so funny, daddy." Reina giggled.

"So do you Reina." Rei said through his laughter.

Then suddenly a clapping of hands shocked them and grabbed their attention. Although Dui had been laughing earlier, there was still a cake to be baked and they didn't have all day to spend it covered in flour.

They all worked together under Dui's close supervision. He wouldn't let them do anything that might be dangerous. When it came to chopping up the strawberries, Dui handled it himself. No one questioned the occasional cherry that wound up with the batch of chopped up strawberries. Dui said it was to add more flavor.

Finally the cake was in the oven and after waiting around and hour it was time to come out. After waiting for it to cool down it was now time to ice the cake with the cream.

"I'll do it!" Reina said excitedly, eager to ice the cake.

"Alright. Here, use this." Dui handed her the appropriate tool to ice the cake with.

Reina was completely focused on the task at hand. She carefully made sure every inch of the cake was covered in the cream...including herself.

"Done." Reina said with a bright smile, proud of her work.

"Good job. ...pfft." Dui could barely contain his laughter seeing his little girl's cheeks covered in cream.

Reina cocked her head to the side curiously wondering what was so funny. Dui just smiled and grabbed a towel to wipe off her face.

Then it was time to decorate it with the strawberries. The three of them worked together to add the strawberries and finally it was done. The three of them were beaming at their finished work. They couldn't wait to bring it to you.

With the cake in hand, the three of them left the god's house and soon returned home.

"Oh, you are back already?" You had been reading a book on the couch when you heard the door open.

You stood up when they didn't reply and nearly fell over from shock at seeing the clumsily decorated strawberry cake in Dui's hands.

"What's this?" You asked unable to contain your surprise.

"It's mother's day and so we baked you a cake."

"Happy mother's day!" Reina and Rei both shouted, before running up to you and hugging you.

"We love you, mummy." They both said while holding you.

Your chest swelled with love for your family. You couldn't have been happier at that moment.

Dui placed the cake on the table before also giving you a hug of his own, "Happy mother's day. You are the best mother a kid could ask for," Dui says before leaning in closer, "And the most adorable and loving wife I could ever ask for." He then placed a soft kiss on your temple before leaning back and looking in your eyes with a teasing smile after seeing the effect his words and kiss just left on you.

"Dui..." You whispered his name, your cheeks slightly flushed.

Dui chuckled and then led you to the table.

"I did my best not to eat the cake. I'm a good girl." Reina said proudly. You smiled at her and complimented her on her efforts.

Being so overwhelmed by everything it was only then did you notice just how messy they all were.


"What is it?" Dui asked.

"I just noticed you are all covered in flour."

They all froze up at the same time. Worried you might get upset for messing up the house but when you broke into laughter they all let out a sigh of relief.

You happily ate the cake, sharing some with everybody. There was no way you'd eat it all by yourself, after all, sharing the love only made it taste better.

"I think it's time you all had a bath." That was the first thing you said after finishing off the cake. There was still a faint smile on your face. It was difficult to eat the cake as you couldn't get over their ghastly appearance.

They all hung their heads at the same time and sighed in resignation before standing up. Dui sent the twins to go get the bath ready before turning to you, "I'm taking you with me." He said in an undertone. His hot breath enough to send your heart racing and your face redder than a cherry.

"Wh...What?!" You panicked but Dui wasn't backing down. It was time for some family bonding. Of course the bath would be filled with bubbles. There was no escaping Dui's intense gaze and so you gave in. Even though you weren't dirty you would be bathing along with them. It wasn't the first time you all bathed together. Luckily the bathtub was pretty big. You could only imagine what laid ahead. By the time you were all finished the bathroom would be covered from one corner to the other in bubbles as they engaged in a bubble bath fight courtesy of Dui. He always did like being a little troublemaker at times and you were sure it would rub off on the twins. What joys waited for you in the future. But you had to admit that was one of the things you loved about him.

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