Love At First Sight- Karno

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It was a lovely day to be out for a walk. The cool spring breeze felt nice on your skin. You could hear the rustling of the leaves as the wind gently blew and all around the birds were singing. It was very calming.

You were so lost in thought as you zoned everything out but the sounds of nature that you accidentally knocked into someone.

"Ack!" You stumbled backwards in surprise, "I'm so so sorry." You hurried to apologize, embarrassed from your little episode.

"Don't worry about it. You really seemed to be enjoying yourself." The man gave a friendly smile and you immediately felt relaxed.

You didn't know why but you found yourself interested in the man you just bumped into.

"What's your name?"

"____." You replied, your curious eyes never leaving the gentle smile on his face. It was if it had you under a spell.

"What a lovely name. You may call me Karno." He said, his smile growing wider.

"I'm really sorry I bumped into you like that. I was just enjoying this beautiful weather and I seemed to have completely spaced out." You said, laughing awkwardly.

Karno shook his head, "I'm also part to blame. I was standing straight in the middle of the footpath watching the trees blowing in the wind that I blocked your path."

His words had taken you aback, "I see. So you were also enjoying the day like myself..."

"That's right." He smiled, "Actually..." A troubled look flashed across his face before his smile returned, "I've been looking for you."

You flinched in surprise, yours eyes growing wide, "Why would you be looking for me?"

Karno smiled mischievously, "You'll find out soon enough. For now would you like to join me for lunch?"

You froze at the unexpected invitation. Just as you were feeling hungry too. How did he know you wanted to get something to eat? He was awfully perceptive. Though you couldn't turn his offer down as there was something about him that caught your eye.

"I was just thinking about grabbing something to eat." You replied.

Karno looked happy, "Great. I'll take you somewhere you'll love." He took you by the hand and started walking.

You were blushing furiously from his sudden gesture, not knowing how to react to him holding your hand but you couldn't deny it was actually nice and made you feel giddy inside. You hardly knew the man and yet you already felt a closeness to him. Was it love at first sight?


"What is that fool doing?" A certain god sighed, rolling his eyes in disbelief as he looked down the reflecting pool.

"It seems he might have feelings for her."

"Hmph. Do you really think so, Hue? He was supposed to bring her back not take her out to lunch."

"Don't get so worked up over it, Leon. It may be forbidden for a god to fall in love with a human but it's not so simple to just deny those feelings. Who are we to judge Karno's feelings?" The wise god said, a small smile on his face as he faced Leon.

"Love is just a troublesome emotion... " Leon shook his head.

In truth he was just concerned what would happen if these feelings hidden in the depths of your hearts ever rose to the surface just what consequences awaited you both in the future?

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