The Gods As Fathers

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Leon would be the kind of father who is hard yet firm, but at the same time he is very kind and caring. He would never expect his child to do more than they can handle but would like to seem them trying their best. Leon loves his child more than anything and will show it through his actions rather than words. But don't be surprised to hear him say "I love you" to them every so often when he thinks no one else is around.

Scorpio would be a bumbling mess at first. Not knowing how he should act as a father. Like giving them apples when they asked for oranges. He would eventually get the hang of it, though, and It wouldn't take long for his gaurd to drop and finally grow comfortable with his child. He'd be the kind of father to spoil his child in secret. Mummy said no candy? No problem. Scorpio would secretly give his kid the candy they desire. Compliment him in public with his child and you will be sure to make him blush, but at the same time, proud to be their father.

Teorus would be ecstatic to become a father. However, his excitement also makes him forget the responsibility he has as his child's father. At first he doesn't take it all that seriously. But as time goes on and he sees just how hard it is to have a child of his own, his attitude immediately changes. Now understanding just what it means to be a father, Teorus does everything he can to be someone his child can look up to and treats them with tenderness. He also has a bad habit of spoiling his child, something that often gets him in trouble with you; but he can't help it, he loves his child too much not to.

Dui would treat his child with nothing but kindness. Possibly drowning them in it; not that it's a bad thing. But when his child throws a tantrum, expect Dui to give them quite the scolding; with love of course. Dui always puts his child first. When they want something he will give it to them, but only if they have been behaving. Dui will spoil his child but not to the point they think everything will be handed to them. He teaches them to be well-mannered and behave appropriately and to value those who love them. Dui does everything he can to be the best father possible and give his child a happy, warm home; anything for his family he adores so much.

Huedhaut would encourage his child to see the world around them. To discover and expand their knowledge. Huedhaut wouldn't be shy of telling bedtime stories to his child and pique their curiosity and imagination. He would dote on his child and maybe be a bit too overbearing on them when it comes to their safety. Huedhaut wouldn't stop checking in on them to make sure they are okay and even when they keep assuring him they are he still wouldn't stop thinking about them. Though, there are also times when he teases and other times he takes them to see different places with you. More than anything, Huedhaut loves his family and is delighted to have a child of his own.

Ichthys would teach his child how to pull pranks of their own. It would only be small ones at first, but eventually, Ichthys has them pulling bigger pranks. Together, they would unleash mischief like no one has ever seen. He finally has the perfect pranking buddy; much to everyone else's dismay. They are like two peas in a pod. It only gets worse when he continues to reproduce and possibly create a small army of pranksters. It's only when you finally step in and put an end to his mayhem that everyone can relax. Ichthys absolutely adores his kids and is possibly the worst offender when it comes to spoiling them. He would definitely be the fun father every child loves. Even though Ichthys would scheme pranks with his child he would never let them do anything dangerous; he forbid it. Ichthys is sure to always put a smile on his child's face and most importantly he will always love them.

Zyglavis is strict with his child. He makes sure they never step out of line and might seem a bit too uptight but everything he does he does it out of love. At first glance it might seem he is too hard on his child, but beneath all that, he really is a big sweetie. Whenever his child is crying, Zyglavis would secrety pass them some kind of sweet to cheer them up and if they hurt themselves he would be the first to rush to their side and tend to them, doing everything he can to make them feel better; even when it's a little scratch, Zyglavis grows concerned and worried, though, he hates to admit it. Zyglavis might seem distant but in fact he is closer to his child than anyone could ever realize; possibly even being that of best friends. Zyglavis has a love so great for his child and for his family that no mere human could ever come to understand.

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