Leon's Reaction To His 6yr Old Daughter Wanting A Boyfriend

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Six years had passed since the birth of your daughter. That day had become one of your many precious memories. Just looking at your daughter you can see she has really taken after her father, Leon. Having his eyes and even the same hair color. Estelle really admired her daddy. The two of them were as close as they come, you were delighted they got along so well. You had the family you always dreamed of; everyone was happy and things couldn't be better.

You just got home after picking up your daughter from school. Estelle couldn't wait to see her father. As soon as she saw him she went running; you watched her go with a relaxed smile.

"Daddy!" Your daughters excited voice fills the air as she runs through the room and leaps onto Leon as he sat on the couch.

"Estelle." Leon smiles happily to his daughter, wrapping an arm around her back to support her on his lap as she kneeled on him.

"I met this boy at school today." She said with a smile but at the same moment the smile on Leon's face vanished.

"A boy?" Leon questioned.

Estelle nodded happily, "He was so nice to me. Just like you are." Leon was now frowning, throwing you a couple of side glances showing he was not amused, "That's not possible. Daddy's the only one this nice to you besides mummy."

Estelle giggled, "Don't be silly daddy. Everyone is nice." and lightly hit his face with her small hand. "Maybe we can fall in love just like you and mummy Ooh, I will ask him to be my boyfriend." She said, her whole face lighting up."

"B-Boyfriend?!" Leon was horrified, his eyes and mouth agape. There was no way he was going to allow such a thing. "You are too young to be dating." Leon sternly stated.

"No I'm not." Estelle shook her head, "Mummy says as long as you love each other it's okay." She smiled. Leon's head immediately snapped towards you, giving you a "what the hell are you teaching her" look. You innocently shrug her shoulders and mouth the words "I might have told her something like that". Leon shakes his head in disbelief.

"Be a good girl and listen to your father. I forbid you go out with any boys." Leon said in a firm voice.

"But...I want to find my own prince. Just like mummy is your goddess and I'm your little star. I want my prince!" Estelle said with a little pout as she gave Leon the puppy dog eyes.

"I can be your prince." Leon said, doing his best not to give into her cute charms. But Estelle started to giggle, "No silly. You're my daddy who I love very much but we can't get married." Again Leon's eyes shot wide. He wondered just who was teaching her this stuff. Leon thought at this age she wouldn't properly understand marriage and would even say she'd marry him when she was older but Estelle seemed smarter than he realized.

"Estelle..." Leon started, pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts, "Dating can come when you are older. Much older. For now just enjoy being young and let daddy spoil you. I won't let any boy steal you away from me." He finished and pulled her into his chest and giving her a light squeeze.

"Oh Daddy. You sure get jealous easy. I'll always be your little girl." Estelle giggled in his chest. Leon froze at her words and his grip on her weakened, "J-Jealous!? I do not." As Leon refuted he could hear laughter coming from your direction and saw you trying to stifle your laugh but failing miserably. He then mouthed the words "We need to talk later. I think a punishment is in order." At that you straightened up and your face dropped. You could only imagine what laid in wait for you later.

"Daddy." Estelle said, looking Leon in the eyes, "Because you can't live without me I will stay with you, okay? Don't be sad. I love you, Daddy." She smiled and then leapt into his chest with a big hug. Leon was left speechless at her little speech but soon hugged her back and whispered, "I love you too my little star." softly as he held her. Leon loved his daughter more than anything and was so proud to be her father. He really did have the best family in the world. Leon would only grow to love you and his daughter more and more over the years.

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