Scorpio Being Nice??

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You didn't know what had come over Scorpio; he wasn't acting like his usual self. Far from it. Greeting you with a bright smile followed by a peck on the cheek and telling you how beautiful you looked. You had planned to go on a date that afternoon but never did you think Scorpio would arrive like a completely different person.

Fidgeting nervously you open your mouth “Scorpio, is everything okay?” You ask with concern, your eyes darting about with worry. Scorpio simply chuckles and still smiling says, “Why wouldn't I be? The sun is shining and the weather is perfect,” he turns to you with an even bigger smile, “And I have you with me. Of course I'm happy.”

You quickly bite your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything too hasty. But this sudden change in attitude was perplexing.

“Right. Of course. I-I'm happy too.” You say with a nod and smile. Scorpio takes your hand and the two of you leave on your date.

You could hardly stay focused though as you wondered just what was going on with your boyfriend. Remembering you were holding hands you decided to think something quite embarrassing to see how he'd react.

Hearing your thoughts Scorpio suddenly stopped walking and his face flashed with surprise before turning to look at you with a big smile and slightly pink cheeks, “Now, now. We can't do that here,” Scorpio briefly looks around before leaning in and whispers, “That will have to wait until we get home.” He then pecks you on the cheek, “I love you too.” Before straightening up and continues to walk down the street.

You were left dumbstruck. That was not the reaction you were expecting. This “new” Scorpio was borderline creepy. Knowing how he usually is this was totally wrong.

As you walked down the streets and browsed the shops windows a passerby accidentally trips and slammed into your back before falling to the ground.

“Kyah.” You shrieked as you too fell face first to the ground.

You immediately panicked as you thought Scorpio would get angry with the man for knocking so carelessly into you but instead he remained calm and first help you up and made sure you were okay.
“I'm so sorry.” The man apologized, bowing his head. “Are you hurt?” That was the first thing Scorpio asked the man. “No.” The man replied, shaking his head. “Good. Please be more careful in the future.” Scorpio said with a calm expression and the man nodded in acknowledgement before walking away.

The whole exchange shocked you more then when the man suddenly bumped into you.

“Scorpio?” You breathed his name in absolute shock. Scorpio looked at you with a carefree smile and cocked his head, “Yes?”

“You didn’t get upset. I...I'm shocked.” You weren't even sure how to express your concerns at this point. You were even considering this wasn't Scorpio at all but someone else in disguise.

“No point in getting mad after the facts. Humans can't help making mistakes. That's how they learn after all.” Scorpio explained, smiling.

“R-Right. But don't you hate humans?”

“I don't hate them. I find them interesting. They are like lost puppies trying to find their way.”

That was it. You knew something was deadly wrong. You were gonna lose your mind if Scorpio didn't return to his normal abrasive, foul-mouthed, brash and irritable self soon. You had nothing against Scorpio being nice but this just went against his personality entirely and it made you uncomfortable.

You fell in love with his ill mannered but also kind, sweet and adorable self. The way he was acting now was too much and almost made you feel sick.

“I think we should call it a day.” You said with a smile before continuing in a whisper, “I need to get him home. He needs help.” You look off to the side so he couldn't see the bizarre look on your face from his current demeanor.

Scorpio didn't know why you were so quick to end the date but he didn't complain and did as you said.
The next day you visited the gods to question them on his strange behavior and they too didn't know what had come over them. Ichthys was disappointed nothing he pulled on Scorpio made him mad and Zyglavis couldn’t even focus properly on his work with his vice-minister being overly nice to him.

His behavior continued on for about a week and during that time all the gods tried their hardest to make Scorpio mad but kept failing utterly. It sent all the gods in disarray as they missed the foul-mouthed Scorpion. Even Leon felt out of sorts not being able to bicker with him but instead received compliment after compliment from Scorpio- Leon thought he'd go mad.

But then after a week had passed Scorpio did a complete turnaround and much to everyone's relief he had returned to normal.

However, Scorpio was completely aware of everything that had happened to him that week but thanks to the King could only spout out kind words and was unable to get mad. It drove him up the wall to watch himself be so kind and generous and could only watch but not control any of his actions.

“Tch. Frickin’ King. Worst. Week. Of. My. Life. I can't even recall the amount of times I wanted to hurl.” Scorpio clenched his jaw in disgust as he remembered everything that happened through the week. He made a mental note to make sure he adequately punished that damn fish for all his outrageous pranks and to give that Lion an earful of insults and to be as unreasonable as he could with Zyglavis around. He had to make up for his previous week- no way could he allow the others to think he could be nice.

And though Ichthys received a harsh punishment and Leon and Scorpio resumed their bickering it brought peace back to the house of the gods. They wouldn't have Scorpio any other way.

And you too were relieved for him to be back to his old self. Though you would soon be receiving a punishment of your own from the cranky but oh so adorable god you love so much- for all those errant thoughts you had about him and all he could do was reply sweetly to you. Oh yes he would be making up for his previous behavior if only because you embarrassed him to high hell.

Comments much appreciated.

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