MC Waking From Her Coma: Teorus & Ichthys

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Teorus's hope was slowly fading away as the days went by and he was still left helplessly watching over you. He didn't know how he could come to terms with the idea you might not wake up. Just the thought alone was unbearable. Nothing had ever been so agonizing as watching you sleep for so long and not knowing when or if you'd ever wake up. Teorus only wished he could have been there to save you that day, if only you were with him instead, none of this ever would have happened. You'd be laughing together, smiling together at this very moment. But instead he was forced with the unbearable choice of only being able to watch you as you slept, he couldn't see your smile or hear your voice; all Teorus grew to know was the silence that haunted him. But that all changed the day you finally woke up... Teorus couldn't believe his eyes when you opened yours on that fateful day. It was as if his wish had finally been answered; Teorus thanked the heavens. There was no stopping him from leaping at you with a big hug. The smile on his face the biggest it's ever been. Teorus's reason for joy had finally returned. You were just as happy to be awake and see Teorus with your own eyes. You felt blessed to have such a loving boyfriend who stayed by your side all these years. You know it must have been hard on him but none of that mattered to Teorus anymore because you were awake; you were finally awake. Teorus was so happy he could lift you up in his arms and spin around with you while smiling joyfully. He didn't waste any time telling you just how much he missed you and that he loved you with all his heart. From now on only happy times would await as the two of you made up for lost time.

Since that day, Ichthys never did smile again. He just couldn't, not while you were trapped in a coma possibly never to awaken. Every day he died a little more on the inside seeing you still asleep. His reason for living fading a little each day. If nothing changed soon Ichthys very well might give up on life. He needed you. Ichthys needed your love. Without you he was nothing. Everyone knew just how important you were to Ichthys and so no one dared say a word to him about giving up on you or that it was pointless waiting; they knew Ichthys would continue to wait no matter how long it took or until it finally killed him. No one could ever replace you, you were the only one Ichthys had eyes for and the only one who captured his heart. That intense love he holds for you is what keeps him going in these darks days as he hopes that you'd someday awaken and the two of you would be able to share in each others laughter once more. Just as Ichthys thought he couldn't handle it any longer and was going to go crazy if he had to be alone for another finally moved. Ichthys froze, his eyes wide and just then your eyes opened. Ichthys heart nearly stopped as it finally happened. All this time he'd been waiting and now it's really happening; you were finally awake. Ichthys was so overcome by emotions he wasn't even sure how to react in the situation but when you sat up and smiled kindly at him, something he'd been yearning to see for so long, he gave way to tears and smiled for the first time in years. He finally had a reason for living. It was like a heavy burden had finally been lifted and Ichthys was finally able to smile once again. The two of you were so happy to be able to see each other and gaze into one anothers eyes and soon broke out into laughter; it couldn't be helped as it was something you both longed to do. Ichthys heart leapt for joy from finally hearing your sweet laughter ring in his ears. He pulled you close and softly kissed your forehead promising to fill your life with laughter and happiness. Above all else Ichthys would always hold you- the love of his life his most precious- close to his heart, forever and always.

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