Trip To The Dentist

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I wrote this together with my friend. We both had turn in writing different paragraphs. The idea came about from my trip to the dentist yesterday and to calm me down before I went we started talking about the gods being there with me and then today decided we wanted to write it into a story and thus this happened. Enjoy~

“Mmmmmm, this cherry pie is delicious Dui, did you make this yourself?” you ask as you smile up at him.

“Not really,” he says a little shyly,“ I just snapped my fingers.”

You happily grin up at him causing him to blush and look away, “It's delicious anyways,“ you say as you prepare to take another bite. You slowly place the next bite in your mouth and begin to chew. Suddenly, you're overcome with a sharp pain in the back of your mouth, “Ow ow ow ow,” you say in a shocked and surprised voice.

All twelve gods, in the room stopped mid-conversation to look at you. Zyglavis, who had been eating hors d'oeuvres elegantly set down his plate and turned to you, “Is the food not to your liking?” he states in a no nonsense tone of voice.

“No,...that's not it,” you say in an embarrassed voice, “I've just been procrastinating my visit to the dentist, because I hate going there, and now I may have a cavity.”

“What's a “dentist”?” Aigonorus asks, his eyes full of curiosity.

Before you even get a chance to reply, Karno speaks up, “You really should go see the dentist immediately if you are in this much pain.”

You lower your gaze in shame, he was right you should go, “I know-”

“Let's get you an appointment right now.” Karno says, smiling and snaps his fingers, “There. An appointment has been set. Now let's get you off to the dentist.”

You flinch at the suddenness of it all, “R-Right now? B-But…”

“Goldfish,” Leon looks at you with a fierce gaze, “Stop fooling around. It's only natural to get rid of anything that is bothering you. If you can't eat then this is unavoidable.”

“Leo is right, you can't put it off any longer.” Huedhaut says with a friendly smile, trying his best to encourage you.

The gods all stand up at once.

“Teo and Lou I'm sending you both back to the heavens to cover for work while we are gone.” Leon says with a stern tone as he gives out his command.

“Aww, what? I wanted to come too!” Teo starts to pout and Tauxolouve places a hand on his shoulder, smiling.

“There is nothing we can do. We have work to do so let's go.” Though sulking, Teorus follows after Tauxolouve and together they returned to the heavens.

You watch as Zyglavis also sends Partheno back to the heavens with them and thus leaving nine gods behind.

“Er, I don't need you all to come with me.” You say, waving your hands in front of you, looking worried.

“Would someone please tell me what a dentist is,” Aigo speaks up yet again.

“This dentist must be a terrifying thing for her to procrastinate a visit so long it causes her pain,” murmurs Krioff.

“We don't have time for this right now Aigo and Krioff,” Zyglavis firmly lectures them, “We must get her to her appointment right away, and I will accompany her to make sure no harm befalls her while she is there.”

The other gods start to bicker among themselves, “Why can't we all go?” asked Ichthys. “Who gave you the right to decide this,” growled Leon as he glared at Zyglavis.

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