Spider Wars...?

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What's this? It's a part two of course! What if Scorpio didn't turn back to normal but instead turned into a big gigantic spider. Thus we have this story. Again don't take anything seriously. All the gods are pretty crazy and exaggerated. Just laugh and enjoy the ride, okay? Good~

Also please tell me what you think of the story. I live to hear your comments. They are what helps keep me motivated to keep on writing. No comments=me not writing anymore I'm afraid. They are my motivation and strength to keep going~

All the gods were on his tail. Eleven gods chasing after a tiny spider and Scorpio doing his best to outrun them all.

In the end he was cornered with nowhere left to run. He had been backed against a wall.

‘Aww man. Just my luck.’ Scorpio cowered in the corner and just as the gods were about to pounce on him he felt a jolt run through his body.

‘Huh?’ Before his eyes everything started to get smaller as he grew taller.

What’s this? Scorpio was now a towering monstrosity and the gods were like ants in his eyes. The eleven gods were horrified, slowly backing away from the huge spider before them and wondering what the freaking heck just happened?

Scorpio was in just as much shock at first but realizing how scared the gods now looked he thought this was perfect...perfect for revenge. Revenge for hitting him, ignoring him and worst of all trying to kill him.

Scorpio’s legs tingled with excitement as he crept up to the shaking gods and at the same time they took a few steps back. Scorpio then lowered his beastly head and let out a deafening hiss and in an instant the gods were screaming for their lives and scattered in all directions.

Zyglavis was shaking as he ran for his life and in desperation snapped his fingers in hopes it would take him away from the house but it failed to work, “What?!” Zyglavis was dumbstruck his powers wouldn't work and then Dui and Ichthys ran up besides him, “Our powers don’t seem to be working!” They both screamed and Zyglavis bit his tongue, not like he needed further proof they didn’t seem to be working.

“The King must have something to do with this.” Zyglavis grumbled as he continued to run- Ichthys and Dui right alongside him.

Scorpio had them in his sights. It would have made more sense to chase the gods who had tried to kill him earlier but Scorpio wasn’t even thinking of that as he chased them down the hallway trying to instill as much fear into them as he could.

“The spider is going to eat us…!” Ichthys screamed as Scorpio was closing in on them, “Quick! In here!” Zyglavis grabbed both Ichthys and Dui’s hands and yanked them into his bedroom and quickly closing the door.

“I think we should be safe...for now.” Zyglavis sighed in relief as he heard the spider make a little hiss as if going “Damn” and walking away.

“What are you going to do Ziggy?” Ichthys looked at him with hopeful eyes like Zyglavis knew exactly what to do, Dui besides him looking the same way, “Well…” Zyglavis was lost for words, It wasn’t like he was any better with spiders. Then Zyglavis frowned, “Wait a minute why is it left up to me?”

Both Dui and Ichthys blinked a few times, looking at each other then to Zyglavis, “Because you are our boss.” Dui said. “Yeah! You should sacrifice yourself for us!” Ichthys added. Zyglavis’s eyebrow twitched, he felt his blood pressure rising, “It is not in my job description to sacrifice myself for the likes of you two.”

Dui and Ichthys immediately looked deflated, they knew that would happen but they still couldn’t help but try. “So what are we going to do? We can’t stay like this forever…” Dui said, looking scared.

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