The King Making Leon Jealous

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“What do you think you are doing, Your Majesty?” Leon says in a low growl, his brows furrowed.

You had been summoned to the throne room along with Leon and no sooner had you entered did the King approach you and gently takes your hand and presses a tender kiss on it.

“It is just a friendly greeting,” the King smiles mischievously, “Or is there something wrong with me greeting her?”

Leon scoffs and purses his lips in displeasure, “It is not how one of your status should be greeting another mans woman. I do not care if you are the King of the heavens, don't get your grubby mitts all over her.” He says, sliding a little closer to you while giving the King a pointed look.

The King merely chuckles in amusement and waves his hand, “Heh. You dare speak to your King in that manner and over a human no less.” He says and turns his eyes to you.

Seeing the look the King was giving you only made Leon more annoyed. His eyes grew dark and his chest tightened in disgust, “Your Majesty,” his tone was sharp and pointed, “I didn’t come here just so you can ogle her all day. I demand you get to the point immediately behind your reason for summoning us- Your Majesty?!”

“You really do have beautiful eyes.” The King smiles kindly as he takes your hand in his and gazes into your eyes.

Leon was agape with shock. Not only did the King ignore him but he continued to flirt with you. Something unbefitting for the King of the heavens!

“Hehe. You are making me blush.” You held your pink cheeks, smiling shyly.

Leon's eyes flit between the two of you. His nose crinkled up in displeasure and his eyes were one of disbelief, “What do you think you are doing?” Leon looked at you in astonishment, giving you a questioning gaze.

You looked at him for a moment before looking away with a bashful smile, “Sorry. I couldn't help myself.”

Leon clicked his tongue in frustration and turned a sharp gaze on the King, “Would you quit with this foolishness this instant! I didn't come here to watch this.” Leon grew more irritable by the second, he could hardly stay still.

“Is it so wrong that I merely complimented her beauty? You need to calm down.” The King grinned, “Getting so worked up all the time just makes life dull. You should be happy another finds her so attractive.”

Leon's face twisted up into something hideous at the Kings words. He could feel the jealousy burning in his chest, “Excuse me? I should feel happy?” Leon scoffs, his eyes still reeling with shock the King could say such a thing, “I am NOT happy. Not one bit. Only I should be able to compliment her on her beauty,” Leon clenches his jaw as he grows more frustrated, “I ask that you stay away from her. I don't want you to so much as look at her any longer. I don't care if you may be the King lay a hand on her and I will hurt you.”

“Pfft.” The King could hardly contain his laughter at Leon's little display, “You really are a stubborn mule.”

“What did you say?” Leon's head snaps back in surprise, “This is no laughing matter.” his brows furrow, “Stop laughing. Bah. What an immature fool you are.” Leon grumbles.

“Maybe I should take her for myself.” The King suddenly says with a serious expression and Leon looks stunned. “I don't think she would enjoy being with someone as stubborn as you she would be much better off with someone like me,” The King looks at you, “Isn't that right?”

Leon's head immediately turns to you, his face riddled with shock and disgust, as he awaits your response.

“Um.” You didn’t even know how to reply. “I-I…”

Seeing you be so indecisive Leon grew hot with anger, “You would really rather him over me?!” Leon barked, his eyes saw green.

“Eek.” In a flash, Leon had suddenly pushed you behind him and stood protectively in front of you as he looked down at the King, “I don't know what mind games you have played on her but I'll never let you have her.” He said, looking ready to fight at any moment.

But the King simply grinned and turned around, “You really are a jealous creature,” and headed back to his throne leaving Leon dumbstruck.

“What? What are you saying?”

“I have no interest in your woman. This was merely a form of entertainment. I was bored and,” The King looked at you as you stood behind Leon, “She agreed to play along.”

“What?!” Leon gasped and quickly scuffed over to the side to look at you, “You were going along with this fool?!”

You sheepishly hung your head and avoided eye contact, “Y-Yes…” Your reply came out in a squeak.
Leon couldn't believe it. He was the one being played for a fool this entire time, “What the heck?” Leon was practically shaking with anger, “I fell for your stupid idea.” Leon spat and shot the King a dirty look before turning to you, “Don't think I will let you get away with this unpunished.”

“Ah.” Leon grabbed your hand and pulled you into him, “We are going.” His voice was laced with frustration and displeasure from being played like a fool. Leon dragged you along and out of the throne room all the while the King sat on his throne grinning as he expected this to happen.

“I will make sure by the time I'm done you won't ever think about playing such a foolish trick on me ever again,” Leon grumbled as he pulled you along, “By the time I'm finished you will only be able to think of me.” he pulled you along all the way to his bedroom where your punishment awaited.

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