The Gods Reaction To MC Suddenly Burping

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You stood amongst the gods in the throne room. You had all been called to the heavens for an important meeting of a new threat that had just been detected. Everyone was serious while you were feeling rather nervous to be surrounded by so many important figures.

"She must be protected at all costs."

The King's sudden booming voice startled you. Everyone in the room listened to the King with keen interest. But you couldn't help but feel a little timid and perhaps scared at what may happen.

Leon and Scorpio both nodded "Understood." It was an unusual sight to see them both agreeing on something.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't even notice you were now being addressed, "___, are you listening?"

"Hmm... Oh, I am sorry!" You quickly bowed.

The King raised an eyebrow at you. He could tell all too well you were troubled. "Do not worry. We will see to your safety."

"Yes, thank- Burrrp!" You had opened your mouth to thank the King, but were horrified when you burped instead. You quickly covered your mouth and could feel your cheeks burning. You thought it must have been caused from your shaking nerves.

The whole room fell dead silent and set their eyes on you. No one knew how to react...that was until sudden laughter filled the air. Ichthys had completely lost it, and was nearly on the floor beside himself with laughter. Scorpio and Leon both looked disgusted and couldn't believe you did such a vile thing before the king. While Dui was in shock, blinking several times as he blankly stared at you. Huedhaut was ashamed and was shaking his head with his hand on his face. Next to Ichthys, Teorus's eyes darted around for a moment before he too shared in laughing. The other gods who were also present in the room were either speechless, trying to hold back their laughter or disgusted.

Terrified as you were by the gods reactions, you were however most worried on how the King might respond to you doing something so undignified in his presence. You timidly looked up to and saw the disgruntled look on his face and your hopes quickly sunk. You thought you would be punished for this atrocity, but were shocked when the next moment the King started to snicker.

Leon and Scorpio and even Zyglavis were astonished to see the King laughing. "Your Majesty, Is this really something you should be laughing at?" Zyglavis questioned him.

The King waved him off, "I like this girl. She is full of surprises. Even in the most serious of moments she is able to lighten the mood." He kindly smiled, looking at you with interest.

You slightly shied away under the intimidating stares of the King, but even you couldn't deny you felt a little happy to be complemented by him. But you weren't quite so sure you were happy with what you were being complimented on.

Ichthys came up besides you and whispered in your ear, "Let's have a burping contest later." There was a big grin on his face.

Your whole body jerked at his suggestion and you turned to him with a weirded out face, not even knowing how to respond.

Scorpio, however, heard his whisper and his face deepened into a scowl, "You."

Ichthys jumped at his tone, "Me?" Ichthys pointed to himself.

Scorpio glared at him hard, "I want to see you in my room later."

"Why?" Ichthys responded, trying to act innocent.

"Naughty children need to be punished." A wicked grin crept over his lips.

Zyglavis, also catching on, chimed in, "Punishing the problem child? I will join you."

"All the better." Both gods grinned wickedly at Ichthys.

Ichthys gulped under the scary stares they were giving him and slowly started to creep away, until he reached the door and broke out into a full run.

"After him! Don't let him get away!" Both Scorpio and Zyglavis bolted after him.

Once again everyone in the room was speechless while the King was thoroughly amused.

"That brings the meeting to a close." He said, slightly snickering.

You were left dumbfounded by the turn of events, but you were grateful that Ichthys had taken everyone's attention away as it was now focused on him. You silently thanked the mischievous god, wondering if that was his plan from the start.

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