Kidnapped- Dui

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"I'll make them pay." Dui declared in a low threatening tone.

How dare a god just come and take you away?! Dui was furious and his dark side had completely taken control. All he could think about was your safety.

Dui searched high and low for you, desperate to find you.

Meanwhile, you were locked in a dark cell with your hands tied up and your mouth covered. You could just make out faint voices from beyond the door. It sounded like they wanted to make a deal with Dui.

Just then, your door is thrusted open and the god who kidnapped you slowly walks up to you, "A god in love with a human? Disgusting." The god spat, looking down on you scornfully.

He then turned on his heel and left. It was as if he came just to mock you.

You grew more frightened by the minute after hearing they will kill you if Dui didn't leave you. But you knew he would save you. There was no way Dui would ever let you go.

And just as you thought, you heard the sound of a struggle on the outside and hoped that it was Dui who came to your rescue.

The door started to open and you waited with bated breath but when you saw it was Dui looking at you with overwhelming relief etched on his face you broke out in tears.

"___!" Dui rushed to your side and untied you and you immediately lept into his arms.

"I'm so glad to see you. They...they were going to kill me!" You sobbed.

"It's okay now. I'm here." Dui whispered and stroked your hair in a soothing manner, " I will never let any harm come to you. And any who dare will answer to me." The god who now laid brutally beaten and bloodied on the floor outside can attest to that. He didn't know what he was in for when he messed with Dui of all people. He was lucky to have escaped with his life.

"I promise I will protect you. No matter what. Believe in me, okay?" Dui smiled kindly to you and wiped away your tears before softly kissing your lips as if to seal that promise.

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