The Love That Never Was-Leon

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There you were. Living your life like you always had. It was as if he never existed at all. That fateful meeting so long ago...was it all a dream? All the time you spent together...was that a lie? Was the love you both shared just a figment of his imagination.

Leon gazed solemnly at you from the shadows. He was always watching over you, making sure you stayed out of harm's way. That was all he could do for you no longer remembered him. Leon thought it was better this way. A human in love with a god? Hah, the very thought was ridiculous. Leon knew you would never really be happy with him. At least this way you can find your own happiness without him in your life. Even if it was the most painful and heart wrenching thing he had ever experienced.

So many times Leon wanted to reach out to you and make you remember him but each time he resisted those urges because he didn't want to cause you any more pain than he already has. Even if you don't recall the pain he put you through he remembered it vividly and that's why he knew this was for the best.

Watching you fall in love with someone else and smiling at them and telling them how much you loved them...killed him inside. Those meaningful words of love were once meant only for him and him alone but now... Leon tried not to think about it, otherwise it just made it all so much harder. This was what he wanted after all. For you to find happiness without him. Even if he would forever be alone an empty inside as long as you were happy... It was already too late. You had given your heart to another man. Leon could never go back now. His chance was gone. You would never be his again.

Leon would spend forever watching over you until the day you died. Always seeking your happiness at the expense of his own. Though you may have forgotten him, Leon would never forget you. Not for all his days. You would always hold a special place in his heart.

But little did he know that you know you were never truly happy as you felt something was missing. You knew an important memory was missing from your life and as hard as you searched you couldn't find the answers. You didn't realize it but you longed to find Leon. You still loved him deep in your heart but just couldn't remember him. If only Leon came out to you then maybe both of you could have been happy. As he was your happiness even if you had forgotten him and you were his. And yet by a terrible twist of fate you both spent your lives torn apart. Leon always watching over you and you longing to find him. It was a love that would never be...

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