Family Dilemma- Scorpio

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It had already been more than twenty years since the birth of Scorpio's child. Akari had grown into a beautiful young woman. Hair black as charcoal and eyes green like an emerald- she got them from her mother. Akari was Scorpio's pride and joy. Of course there was times she would push his buttons but he was always weak to her charms and more often than not would spoil her.

Akari was daddy's little girl, Scorpio would travel the world to make her happy. She was very obedient to her father's wishes and the two got along really well- that was until something, or rather someone caught her eye and now Akari has a rather big secret she is keeping from him.

Often, Akari would leave home telling her father she was just going to the shops or hanging out with her friends but in truth she was meeting up with her boyfriend. If Scorpio knew she was dating he would throw a fit and say something like "No one takes my girl from me". Even worse is the man she is dating isn't just any god but the son of Ichthys.

Shin, Ichthys son, is a splitting image of his father except he has sky blue eyes from his mother. Shin is just as notorious a prankster as his father- It's not hard to see where he got it from. Ichthys wife must have one heck of a time with the pair.

Akari, though, fell in love with him and his carefree spirit. The pair really hit it off and have been dating for some time now. It also helps they are childhood friends so they have always been close. Though Scorpio never would have thought his daughter would fall in love with such a troublemaker.

However, not knowing how to tell their parents about their relationship they have secretly been seeing each other and now have even begun talking about marriage.

"Hah... How am I ever going to tell my father?" Akari sighed, looking worried. "Don't worry. Not matter what happens I will be by your side." Shin said kindly, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

Akari smiled, "Thank you." though her eyes still wavered, "We will need to tell them soon. This can't go on forever..." she said and looked away.

Shin placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I agree. I won't be able to take you as my bride without telling them." Akari looked up with a little blush and Shin grinned broadly, "I hope things work out." Akari said and Shin took her hand, "Trust me. We will get through this. I know your father is a bit of a hard case but if he sees how we really feel I think we'll be alright."

"Yeah." Akari smiled, genuinely this time as she placed her trust in him.

They decided the next day at the palace they would get both their fathers together and come out about their secret relationship.

"I'm nervous..." Akari slightly shook with worry. "It's okay. I'm with you." Shin said, squeezing her hand.

Akari and Shin both split up to get their fathers to follow them to an empty room in the palace.

"What is it? Is there something bothering you?" Scorpio asked, looking concerned as he watched Akari. She was so nervous that she was unable to hide it from him.

"N-No." Akari froze and quickly shook her head but it only made Scorpio grow suspicious, "Are you hiding something from me?" Scorpio grew stern and started to grill his daughter. Akari was growing more and more uncomfortable when the door to the room finally opened and Shin with Ichthys appeared. Akari immediately sighed in relief.

"Hmm. What are 'those' two doing here?" Scorpio didn't sound pleased in the least.

Ichthys walked in the room with a cheery smile, "Hey, Scorpy. Funny seeing you here." Scorpio responded with a cold glare.

Akari stood next to Shin and he took her hand and were about to speak when Scorpio spoke first.

"Why are you holding his hand?" Scorpio scowled, "And why are you two so close?" His eyes narrowed even more. Scorpio's eyes traveled between the pair before a realization washed over him and he looked like he'd almost pass out.

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