Drunk- Karno

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"Ahaha. This is so much fun."

"Why didn't we think of this earlier?"

You and Karno had both stripped down to your undergarments and were dancing on the living room floor while laughing uncontrollably and nearly falling over.

You both were drunk as a skunk after accidently drinking a very strong liquor that only the hardest of drinkers could handle.

"What should we do?" Teorus watched you both unsure of what he should do.

"I can't believe that fool drank such a strong alcohol when he can barely handle the light stuff." Leon shook his head in disbelief.

"Someone needs to clothe those two idiots. Why are we subjected to such an asinine display?!" Scorpio barked, he was blushing furiously from just watching you and Karno.

Ichthys and Dui simply just stood in the corner of the room nearly on the floor from laughter.

"Karno. Everyone is waatching uuuussss. Whaastit should weee dooo?" You asked and then fell into Karno's arms.

"Just ignore them." Karno grinned and unable to stand any longer the both of you fell backwards on the couch with you landing on top of him.

Scorpio gasped, "That's it! I can't take any more of this! Get those two a room right now before I forcibly drag them away." Scorpio was overcome by embarrassment. His face was even redder than that of yours and Karno's.

Thankfully, Leon took action and carried you both to Karno's bedroom but not without mumbling complaints to Karno and scolding him for even letting himself get wasted.

It was surely something the two of you rather forget as when the intoxication wore off and you both heard what had happened you and Karno hid away for days until the embarrassment wore off.

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