Period- Karno

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You were on a date with Karno. The two of you decided it would be nice to watch a movie together but while you were sitting in your chair you suddenly felt uncomfortable and were struck by a sudden pain. It then hit you what had happened.

You just got your period.

You grew extremely embarrassed and didn't know how to bring it up to Karno out of the blue but you had to do something or things would get messy. Even worse you completely forgot about your period being due and didn't come prepared all thanks to being in lovers bliss.

"Karno." You quietly whispered to him from your seat, too embarrassed to look directly at him. But it seemed he didn't hear you, probably because he was so focused on the movie.

"Karno." You said his name again, this time with a bit more force. Still no response. You then remembered you had been holding hands this entire time and squeezed his hand tight while repeating his name again.

"Is something the matter?" Karno finally noticed and looked at you.

You opened your mouth to speak but quickly shut it again as embarrassment took over leaving Karno looking perplexed. But you knew you had to say something so you opened your mouth again, "There's been a sort of accident." You whispered, your eyes focused on your entwined hands.

"Accident?" Karno muttered, cocking his head in confusion.

Your face had gone beet red, you closed your eyes and said, "I just got my period!" You forced out those words and Karno's eyes immediately went wide but quickly relaxed as he now understood what was going on.

"I see. We best be off then." He stood up and ushered you from your chair. You checked to make sure you hadn't leaked through and once you saw you were in the clear the both of you exited the cinema.

"I'm so sorry. This is so embarrassing." You were still fretting over the whole situation but Karno didn't seem the least bit bothered.

"Don't worry about it. Things like this happen. You don't have to be embarrassed in front of me." He spoke softly to calm your racing heart. The warm smile on his face was just what you needed to see at a time like this.

"Thank you." You gratefully bowed your head in thanks. You felt so lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend.

"Now let's get you home." Karno smiled and snapped his fingers and in an instant you both were back at your place.

You immediately rushed off to the bedroom to sort yourself out and change your clothes. Once finished you found Karno comfortably sitting on your couch.

"Since we couldn't finish the movie why don't we continue our date here?" Karno suggested, glancing between you and the tv.

You just stared blankly for a moment before breaking out into a smile, "I'd love to."

Karno held out his arms invitingly and you snuggled up against him as he prepared the movie with a snap of his fingers. He made sure you were comfortable and regularly asked how you were feeling and if there was anything you needed. You were touched by his kindness and were happy nuzzled up against his broad chest and wrapped up in his warm arms. If anything, things were even better than before.

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