My Prince- Zyglavis

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Just a little something I wrote since I've been feeling very sick for the past few months. It's nothing special and I couldn't do more as I think I have a migraine coming on and right now my vision is kinda blurry so I need to sleep. Anyway enjoy the short story.


Having felt unwell for several days and struggling to get a good night sleep, Zyglavis decided to spend time watching over you; he wanted to see you well again soon. It was nice having him around, he helped clean and cook and made sure you didn't have to lift a finger so you could get the rest you needed. Of course his cooking was simple as the snap of his fingers since you didn't trust him alone in your kitchen. Whenever you felt hungry or thirsty he was quick to satisfy your needs.

Zyglavis didn’t even mind you watching the anime shows you love so much, even if he didn't quite understand them and found humans interests very strange. He simply wanted you to relax and get well soon.

When night came and it was finally time to sleep you just couldn't quite nod off. Tossing and turning you found it hopeless.

“Can't sleep?” Zyglavis asked, sitting by your bed quietly watching you.

“No…” You weakly replied, frustrated.

“Hmm.” Zyglavis was quiet for a moment before suddenly standing up, “Move over a little.” and getting into bed with you.

“Zyglavis?” You softly called to him, feeling a little embarrassed.

“Don't worry. I will help you sleep.” Zyglavis wrapped his arms around you placing his head near yours. “I'll cast a spell to grant you a good sleep.” He whispered and you felt the warmth of his lips on your cheek.

“Thank you.” You smile happily, looking away from him with reddened cheeks.

“It's nothing you need to thank me for. I love you and I want you to know just how deep my love for you is.” You feel him squeeze a little tighter, his words made you feel happy inside but also made you incredibly shy.

“ you, too.” You murmured as you fell into a deep sleep in the warm comfort of his arms.

That night you were as a sleeping goddess in the arms of her prince as he lovingly watched over you.

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