Sick- Zyglavis

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"You humans sure are troublesome creatures." Though Zyglavis complained he was grateful to be able to take care of you while you were sick.

"I'm sorry. I must be a burden for you..." You said, looking dejected and brought the blanket up to your neck.

Zyglavis scoffed at the notion, "Don't be ridiculous. You are no such thing." He gently scolded you and then brought a bowl of soup and some medicine to your bedside.

"The soup is still hot so let's wait a bit for it to cool." Zyglavis says and then takes a few pills from the medicine bottle, "Here." He handed you them along with a glass of water.

You sat up on the bed with a smile,"Thanks." And took the medicine.

"Now time for the soup." He took the bowl in hand.

You held instinctively held out your hands to take the bowl but he refused to hand it over.

"I'll feed you." He insisted on doing it despite your protests.

You sighed in resignation and after giving in he gave a tiny smile, "Good girl." He then started to blow on the spoon to make sure it wasn't too hot before bringing it to your mouth.

"I should commend you on finishing it. You were struggling by the end but still pulled through." Zyglavis said, looking satisfied.

"Now you should rest." Zyglavis was acting just like a worried mother as he spouted out one order after another. He gently pushed you back onto the bed and tucked you back so you were nice and warm.

"Thank you." you closed your eyes, "I am so happy you are with me. I don't feel so bad when you are here." You muttered in a weary voice, about ready to fall asleep.

A small smile formed on his lips, Zyglavis was touched you felt that way about him, "I'll be right here the whole time so get some sleep." Zyglavis said in a gentle tone and took your hand.


You soon fell asleep under his soft touch and his gentle gaze. Zyglavis remained there the whole time watching over you with an affectionate gaze, spending his time stroking your hair and thinking just how adorable you were.

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