Exhaustion- Huedhaut

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You had been running yourself ragged. It wasn't too hard to tell you were completely exhausted and yet you kept pushing yourself. If you didn't slow down soon you would get sick or worse.

Huedhaut was concerned by your ever growing exhaustion. Every time he saw you, you were more tired than the last. You needed a break and that was exactly what Huedhaut was going to see to that you got.

Huedhaut invited you to the his bedroom and from there he convinced to take a small vacation in the heavens with him.

"Wow. The view from here is spectacular." You were in awe from how beautiful everything looked from the small cottage in the heavens you were staying in was.

"It's meant to be relaxing for you that's why I came here." Huedhaut said then tapped the spot next to him on the bed, "Come here. I will give you a massage."

You did as he said and sat besides him. Huedhaut immediately began giving you a massage.

"You really are tense. Please try not to overwork yourself much. You had me worried." Huedhaut casually told you his concerns.

You felt a tinge of regret for making him worry so much, "Sorry. I know I should have taken a break sooner. I shouldn't have pushed myself like that." You breathed a little sigh then the next moment Huedhaut turned your face towards him.


"I'm just glad you are okay and you didn't collapse. But please be more careful in the future. Either way, I'll always be watching over you to keep you safe." Huedhaut smiled as he traced a finger over your lips before moving in to kiss them. Yes, indeed. You would always have Huedhaut watching over you like a guardian angel.

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