Dying- Huedhaut

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Death was slowly creeping up on you. It wasn't old age that would claim your life but a terminal disease. Every day you grew weaker and you knew it wouldn't be long before your time was over.

You still couldn't believe what was happening. When you first heard you had an incurable form of cancer your whole world went dark. It was like time itself had stopped. When Huedhaut heard the news his whole demeanour changed and his eyes grew cold.

Huedhaut had the power of a god but was forbidden from saving you. He was forced -tortured- to watch you as you slowly died before his eyes.

After all these years he had finally been reunited with his long lost love only to lose you all over again. He thought he could spend many happy years with you and create some wonderful memories and even start a beautiful family but now it was all tragically torn away from him as you would disappear from his life once again. This time forever.

You stood in the kitchen getting a drink of water when you started to cough violently. Huedhaut was quick to race to your side.

"I-I'm okay." You smiled weakly.

Huedhaut, however, was brimming with concern. His heart ached knowing your body was riddled with pain and this sickness would take you away from him. It was a cruel fate. You will be claimed by an eternal sleep but Huedhaut will spend an eternity mourning his loss and remembering his happier days with you.

"I have somewhere I want to take you." Huedhaut whispered while smiling and took your hand.

"Where are we going?" You asked but Huedhaut didn't reply and snaps his fingers.

Your entire surroundings changed in the blink of an eye. You looked around and noticed you were high up on a cliff. It overlooked the vast sea and sitting perfectly behind it was the beautiful round moon. The stars shined brilliantly. Their reflection on the waters surface was like thousands of tiny diamonds. Everything was so beautiful, so serene, you felt like you could forget all your worries and be happy here.

"It's beautiful..." You whispered in awe as you admired the starlit ocean.

"I wanted to show you this for a long time. It's where I come to clear my head. I thought you should see it before..." Huedhaut trailed off, too depressed to finish that sentence.

"Hue..." You gently took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

Huedhaut took a deep breath and looked straight at you, the stars were shining beautifully in your eyes tonight, "I'm going to miss the way you look at me with those beautiful eyes of yours." Huedhaut whispered sadly, tracing a finger gently by your eye.
You felt your chest ache as you imagined just what he was going through. Watching the one you love die before your very eyes was never easy, especially for a god as they would live with the pain far longer than any human.

"Saying goodbye is one of the most painful experiences... I never wanted to have to say goodbye to you twice in my life." Huedhaut smiled in self-depreciation. It was like life was against him and was set on making him miserable.

Huedhaut eyes shook with emotion as he just gazed at your face, taking in every detail, every small feature as if to etch it into his memory and into his heart so he will never forget you. Not ever.

Huedhaut looked like he wanted to speak but instead pulled you into his embrace and held you tight, feeling you completely with his body and breathing in your scent- all things that would soon disappear from his life.

"Why can't time just stop right now and we remain this way forever? I want to be with you...forever. I don't want to let you go. Even if I'm holding you in my arms right now, soon, whether I like it or not, you will slip away from me and I won't be able to reach you. I won't ever be able to hug, kiss, feel or hear your voice again..." Huedhaut's voice trembled as he spoke. This really was hard on him. He seemed to have trouble coming to terms with what laid ahead. It wasn't an easy future that's for sure.

"Hue...I...I want to be with you forever too." Tears started to fall from your eyes abd you desperately clung onto his clothes. You didn't want to have to leave him. This was all too cruel.

"I love you so much why do we have to be apart? Why..." You sobbed into his chest.

"___..." Huedhaut gently rubbed your back and pulled away enough to look at your face.

He smiled kindly at you though his eyes were also moist, he softly wiped away the tears from your cheeks before leaning into kiss you. He wanted to savor this feeling, the taste of your lips, before it was gone forever.

"I'll never forget you." Huedhaut smiled sadly.

"I know... "

You knew that all too well and that's what made it so much harder. Because no matter how much you begged Huedhaut to move on and be happy you knew that was impossible for him as his heart would always belong to you and when you died so does his happiness along with his heart.

"Hue... I know I will always live on within you." You smile, placing a hand over his heart.

Huedhaut's eyes widened for a moment before a smile filled his face. "Yes. Always." Huedhaut placed his hand over yours on his chest and kissed your forehead before resting his own upon it and simply gazed into your eyes once more and admiring the beautiful shining stars in your eyes, brighter than any other star. They were the light off his life and to him no other star mattered but soon those lights would fizzle out and all he would be left with was an eternity of darkness as he wandered through life all alone and devoid of emotion. Distraught after you left him once again.

"I love you, ___. I always will."

Time passed after that and you had now passed away. Huedhaut stood before your grave with lifeless eyes. He made sure to visit you every day. It became a sort of ritual to him. Huedhaut never was the same after you died. Watching you breathe your last breaths in his arms and feeling your heart beat come to a stop was agonizing. He screamed out in anguish knowing you would never open your eyes again. He would never feel your touch, hear your voice, kiss your lips or gaze into your beautiful starry eyes ever again. Your time together was over.

You grew cold in his arms, even after you stopped breathing Huedhaut didn't want to part from you. He just sat silently with your lifeless body in his arms unable to cope with your death. When you were finally laid to rest Huedhaut was riddled with pain as his chest ached and his heart was squeezed so tight he struggled to breath.

Huedhaut spends most of his days on the cliff overlooking the sea and remembering that day he brought you there. That last happy moment you both spent together as only the next day did death claim you. A single solitary tear rolls down Huedhaut's cheek as he gazes up at the night sky and sees a star shining brighter than any other. It was your star. You were shining ever so brightly just like you once lit up his life. Huedhaut would always look up on that one star and only at that time would he find peace within himself. Only in his dreams would he he reunited with you and find his happiness again.

As he was dead inside. Nothing was right anymore. The day you died was the day his heart died with you.

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