MC Waking From Her Coma: Leon & Scorpio

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Leon had stayed faithfully by your side for many years, waiting ever so patiently for you to wake up. A day didn't go by that he wasn't there with you; Leon vowed to always be there for you no matter what. Many times he was told to just give up, that you would never wake up, but those words fell on deaf ears as Leon wouldn't stop believing; all these years he held onto that hope you would awaken and that's what has kept him going. It had now been so long they were even contemplating turning off your life support but Leon forbid it. He did all he could to convince them to wait and thanks to his earnest pleas they gave him one more year. This had to be the year you came back, or at least showed some signs of improvement. But the year was now just about over and you were still in the same state as you always have been. Leon was now more desperate than ever. He screamed out your name over and over begging you to wake up before it was too late. Leon was about to give up on the hope he had clinged to for so long when suddenly...your hand twitched! Leon gasped in astonishment and began closely watching you in anticipation. And then it finally happened, your eyes slowly opened and you were met by a teary eyed Leon gazing down at you, looking ready to pass out from excitement and disbelief. You looked slightly confused and wondered what was going on but before you even had a chance to speak, Leon had taken you in his arms, his voice was overwhelmed by emotion as he thanked you for coming back to him. Leon explained everything that had happened since the day of the accident up until this day. You were in complete shock by what had happened and apologized to Leon for leaving him alone for so long. But Leon shook his head and said he should be the one to apologize as none of this never would have happened if not for him. Leon looked deeply pained by his past errors and promised to never repeat the same mistake. There was no way he could ever lose you again. This time he would make sure you were always safe and most importantly happy. The both of you were finally reunited at last. Those painful days of watching you sleep were over at last. Leon wished he could forget those days but alas they would always serve him as a reminder of his mistakes and the day he nearly lost everything.

The days slowly went by and before he knew it, years had already gone by. It was so lonely not having you around. Seeing you only greet him every day with the same sleeping face tormented Scorpio. Every day it was always the same. No matter how much he wished that would you would greet him with a smile your condition never changed. Oh how he longed to see your smiling face again and hear your sweet voice. Scorpio would do anything to just be with you again. It was almost seeming hopeless... But Scorpio didn't care. He could never give up on you. Then finally one day your face started to move and before a shocked Scorpio your eyes finally opened. Scorpio nearly fell to the floor from shock as he wondered if this was really happening and not just some dream. With shaky hands he reached out towards your face and you looked at him with a kind smile; Scorpio nearly broke down from his overwhelming emotions from seeing you smiling at him, something he has wished for for so long. You softly spoke his name and that was all it took before Scorpio wrapped his arms around you and lost all control of his emotions as his body shook and his voice strained. Scorpio just wanted to hold you in his arms, feel your warmth, something he hadn't had the pleasure of doing for so long. Scorpio didn't think it was possible to be this happy. Scorpio held your shoulders and gazed into your eyes, his glistening from the tears that he was holding back. Scorpio couldn't stop himself from smiling, the biggest and brightest smile anyone has ever seen. You found yourself smiling brightly back at him and couldn't imagine how he must have felt this whole time that he watched over you as you slept. It was like you were stuck in your own nightmare but now you finally found your way back to him and more than anything you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. Scorpio felt the same way, after spending so long apart the both of you had a lot of catching up to do. He would spend the rest of his days watching over you and keeping his most precious treasure closest to his heart.

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