Extra Sweet- Zyglavis

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Zyglavis sat in his room deep in thought. You had been working so hard lately and he had been so busy that you barely saw each other. Zyglavis was troubled by this and so he decided the next time you were together he would do something nice for you.

"What's this?" You were shocked to come home and find dinner had already been prepared. You were even more surprised to learn it was Zyglavis who had prepared it.

"You made all this?" You asked in disbelief. You wondered just how much trouble he must have went through cooking it. You then panicked if your kitchen was still in one piece.

"I did. Don't worry. I didn't use your kitchen." Zyglavis eased your worries. You immediately sighed in relief. You then noticed all the charred spots on his clothes but decided not to mention it.

"Stop worrying and sit down." Zyglavis pulled out a chair for you and you sat down.

"But why did you go through all this trouble?"

"Because, I love you. Do I need more if a reason than this?" Zyglavis replied, slightly blushing.

You shook your head and begun to eat the dinner he prepared. You were shocked by just how good it tasted. He obviously went through a lot of trial and error to prepare it. It warmed your heart thinking of what he went through just for you.

After thanking Zyglavis for the meal and telling him he did a good job, Zyglavis then led you to the couch.

"I'll massage your shoulders."

"What? You sure are acting strange."

Zyglavis however ignored you and gently started to massage you. At first it was a normal massage as he pressed his hands into your shoulder but then his hands started to wonder...

"Huh?" You yelped in surprise as his hands traveled over your body.

Zyglavis hugged your back from behind as his hands stopped on your belly, "I have reached my limit. Though I have tried hard to make you happy I can't hold back any longer. I'll just have to give you a night you will never forget..." Zyglavis whispered in a husky tone. You didn't even have a chance to speak before he lifted you up in his arms and carried you to the bedroom where a intimate night awaited the both of you.

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