Sleepy Cuddles- Aigonorus

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I decided to use my keyboard on my tablet so I could still get some requests done. It doesn't hurt as much this way. Hopefully my hand (I realized it's my whole hand that's sore) gets better soon. Anyway, enjoy~

It was late in the evening, you had to get ready to go home so you could get to bed and be ready for work the next morning, however…. “Aigo, I should be heading home now.” even as you say that, Aigonorus arms show no intention of leaving you; rather his arms grip you harder.

“Aigo? I can’t move if you hold me like this…” You tried to wriggle free but it was useless, his arms wouldn’t budge. Sighing softly, you take a glance at his face and see his eyes are still closed and he had a peaceful look on his face. “Aigo,” You gently touched his cheek with your finger, his face made the slightest movement in reaction to your touch.

“I don’t want to let you go,” He softly mumbled, his eyes still partially closed; he was acting like a child. “Please stay with me tonight…” Aigonorus pulled you closer to him, “I love holding you like this. You are so soft and warm…”

“Aigo… What am I going to do with you,” There really was nothing you could do at this point. You knew he was persistent on having you stay with him for the night and to be honest you really didn’t want to leave him either.

“So...will you stay with me?” Aigonorus opened his sleepy eyes. When you saw the hopeful, childlike innocence in his eyes there was no way you could leave now.

“Yes. I’ll stay,” No sooner then those were out of your mouth did he happily squeeze you and placed a tender kiss on your forehead.

“Thanks. I love you,” His words were sweet and loving as he gently embraced you. He really was adorable and made your heart leap for joy being able to see him act this way.

“I love you too.” You happily run a hand through his hair and gently stroke his cheek as he falls into a deep, peaceful sleep.  You watch him for awhile longer, admiring his beautiful sleeping face until too fall asleep along with him; happy and content to be held in the warm arms of the one you loved so dearly.

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