Scorpio Out With His Family

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Ever since you wed Scorpio you had lived in the heavens. You were the first human in history to ever take up residence there. No one thought the foul-mouthed Scorpio would ever fall in love and with a human no less.

Today marked the 6th year since your daughter was born. Little Sakura had never been down to Earth before. However, you did spend a lot of time telling her many tales of this other world as she grew up. It only fueled her curiosity, so much so that she begged to see it someday.

Your family was indeed no ordinary family. Scorpio being the first human to be made a god, you the first human to live in the heavens and your daughter the first to be part human and part goddess. You were one messed up but happy family.

"Daddy, we are going to see Earth today right?" With bright, bubbly eyes Sakura looked up at her father who was leaning over a desk trying to do some paperwork.

Scorpio placed his pencil on the desk and leaned back with a sigh, "You still want to go there? The heavens are far superior to that measly planet." He wryly grinned.

Sakura didn't seem to amused though as he eyes started to well up with tears, "But mummy promised that today we would all go down to Earth together." She started to wimper, "You won't break your promise, right?"

Scorpio was taken off guard by her helpless expression and started to feel uneasy by his distraught daughter, "Of course not." He quickly replied in a lot lighter tone.

Sakura immediately brightened up, "Yay! I knew you wouldn't. You are the best, Daddy!" She quickly gave him a hug before running off.

Scorpio sat there speechless, watching the direction his daughter just ran off in before turning around and sighing, "That damn woman already has me wrapped around her finger and now our daughter is doing the same." He shook his head and his shoulders slumped. Scorpio knew there was no way he could win against either of you. He was a god but he was powerless under the might of you both.

The three of you were now standing before the mighty gate that led down to Earth.

"Yay! I can't wait to see what it's like." Sakura was brimming with curiosity while Scorpio already looked worn out before the day had even begun.

"Cheer up. It's not that bad. It's not like it will kill you." You lightly teased him with a smile on your face.

Scorpio frowned, "Don't be so sure about that. Earth is horrid. Just setting foot on it might send me in to shock." He was acting incredibly stubborn.

"Exaggerated as always." Shrugging, you brushed him off and headed towards the big golden door.

"Ready Sakura?"

"Yes!" Sakura raised a fist in the air, she could hardly keep still.

The three of you made your way down to Earth together.

"Mmm, It's been awhile since I've been here." You stopped for a moment to take in your birth world. You had missed it so much. Even though the heavens were strikingly beautiful nothing could beat the feeling of home.

"This is Earth?" Eyes filled with curiosity, Sakura studied her surroundings, "I love it." She squealed.

"Damn rotten Earth." Scorpio, loving to be the opposite, grunted.

"Daddy, let's go!" Sakura tugged onto her fathers pants, "Hold my hand?" She asked as they started to walk, offering up her hand.

Scorpio hesitated for a moment, he still wasn't use to being a father after all his time alone and now to have a miniature version of himself... It would take some getting use to.

Scorpio gently took hold of her hand, "Just so you don't get lost." He firmly stated and looked away, there was a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Hehehe, they are so cute together." You admired the pair from the side. They were such an adorable pair. It was easy to tell they were father and daughter, she had his color hair and even wore her hair in a similar manner; something Scorpio tried on her and it just seemed to stick, though you didn't expect to find Scorpio doing Sakura's hair, that definitely was a sight to see.

"Ohhh, what is that?" They had just gotten to town and a car zoomed by.

"It's a monster." Scorpio coolly replied.

You pursed your lips and smacked Scorpio on the head.

"Hey..." Scorpio held his head.

"A monster..." Sakura mumbled and you quickly corrected her.

"It's a motor vehicle. That's what humans use to get from one place to another."

"Ohh. Cool!" She chimed happily. While Scorpio still looked indignant about being hit on the head.

"Didn't have to hit me so hard." He grumbled.

And you shot him a look, "What did you say?"

"Nothing." He quickly denied everything and you smiled, though it was a bit twisted.

As the three of you walked you eventually came across the ocean.

"Wow. It's so big and blue." Sakura's mouth hanged opened as she took in the vastness of the sea.

Sakura started to jump up and down when she saw something among the waves, "Oh, oh, what is that?"

"That's a ship." Scorpio replied, this time saying the correct thing but only to learn that wasn't what Sakura was talking about.

"That's a shark, honey." You smiled, patting her on the head.

Scorpio's body jerked and he froze and quickly scanned the ocean, "There really is a shark." His shoulders slumped, the one time he tried to show off and it was still a failure. It's a good thing no one was using the beach with the sharks around.

"I want a shark!" Sakura suddenly yelled, shocking the both of you.

In a hurry, you both shook your heads.

"I will not allow you to have a pet shark." Scorpio spoke.

"Sorry, but I agree with your father." You smiled sympathetically as your daughters spirits sunk.


At that same time you heard a snapping sound and before your eyes appeared a shark plushie.

"Huh?" You were surprised to see Scorpio handing it to Sakura.

"A shark!" Sakura cried out happily. There was a little smile on Scorpio's face from seeing her so happy.

"She really is like you." Scorpio whispered besides you as you both watched Sakura cuddle the shark.

"What do you mean?"

"You both are crazy. Who would have thought our daughter would end up loving a shark? I thought they were supposed to love ponies and cute things." Scorpio sounded a little surprised. He really didn't understand her at all.

You giggled, "She does take after you so I'm not surprised."

Scorpio straightened up and looked at you, "Is that your way of saying I'm crazy?" He frowned.

You innocently shrugged, "Who knows?"

Scorpio sighed, "I never know what to expect with you two. ....Woman. such troublesome creatures. I'm always kept on my toes at all times. But..."

"But?" You looked at him curiously.

"I wouldn't change a thing." His lips curved into a gentle smile, "I love my family just the way it is." He softly placed a kiss on your temple before whispering something in your ear, "You better be prepared for later. Don't think I will let you get away without being punished for calling me crazy." He leaned back with a wicked smile.

You softly gasped, your eyes growing wide, "But you called me crazy first." You refuted by he just ignored it and seductively licked his lips, while Sakura was still oblivious to the whole thing as she played with her new plush shark. It was now her most prized treasure as it was a gift from her father. The little messed up family of three was sure to grow over the years and the bonds you all shared would surely never break.

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