Beach- Aigonorus

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"I'm back." You had just finished changing into your bikini and returned to Aigonorus on the beach.

"Mmm." Aigonorus let out a small yawn and glanced at you but then froze when he saw what you were wearing, "Where are your clothes?"

"These are MY clothes." You replied, scrunching up your face.

Aigonorus stood up at stared at you intently, "This is what you wear to the beach?" He said, grabbing the awfully thin strap to your bikini top which looked like it could snap at any moment.

"Of course. It's a bikini." You said, looking puzzled.

"I know that. But is this what YOU wear?" Aigonorus looked as if he was appraising you.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Aigonorus looked exasperated by your complete incomprehension of the matter, "I mean you are showing far too much skin." He said and then turned away feeling a little shy.

Your eyes widened as you finally realized what he meant, "I'm sorry. I didn't think you would mind seeing me in this. If it's a problem I will go change." You quickly said, feeling a little flustered but Aigonorus stopped you.

"I don't mind. But I do mind everyone else seeing you." He said rather bashfully and then leaned closer, "I want this view all to myself."

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